Part 2 ~ Do you get it now?

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Momoi's eyes sparkled as she watched the tall light brown haired model positioning himself provocatively in front of the cameras. Her heart raced especially fast when the international model smiled brightly but clearly seductively into the photographer's camera. The pink haired girl could only squeal in utter bliss and excitement.

"For fuck's sake, what's so good about that guy anyways?" Aomine, who was next to her, asked frowning. He too observed the model, yet the guy didn't catch his interest in the slightest. Perhaps because Kise, his perfect and sexy Kise, was stealing all the lights from the Polish guy. Or was it Norwegian? Well, either way, who cared about it when Kise was making that sexy seductive expression he loved so much? It was in moments like these that Aomine would like to be a fucking photographer, so he could appreciate his lover's expressions through the lens of the camera. He licked his lips languidly at the idea. The current man taking Kise's sensual photo had to be the luckiest guy on earth's face right now. Did the bastard even realize that? Wait; in truth he was probably enjoying it all in secret while perversely fantasizing with his Kise! The fucking bastard... He had a lot of nerve in doing that.

The blue haired teen scowled and balled his hands into fists as he looked at the poor man who just took Kise's photo innocently, completely oblivious of Aomine's delirious envy and jealousy.

Momoi, on the other hand, just kept staring at the perfect international model and daydreaming with him. She wouldn't ever forget this day nor the extreme happiness she felt at the moment.


The blond smiled brightly after receiving permission to take a short break. The photoshoot was going smoothly, yet both him and Dmitry were too tired to keep going, therefore their photographers gave them some time to rest.

The international handsome model took his time to rest on a small coach placed near the spot where they had been photographed. Kise, on the other hand, decided to rest in the company of his two friends... okay, of his friend and his boyfriend, at a corner of the spacious studio's background.

"Hey." Kise greeted cheerfully the pink haired girl and the blue haired boy, only to be received with a deep angry scowl from Aomine. Kise looked at his boyfriend taken aback. Had something bad happened? Was Aomine bored of the photoshoot? But Kise had invited him in the first place because Aomine had told him a couple of times how much he would like to assist to one of the blond's photo sessions. And, well, since he had gotten a free pass for Momoi, because he knew how crazy the pink haired teen was over Dmitry, he had also decided to finally attend at one of Aomine's wishes as well. And now the blue haired male had the nerve of getting bored and mad because of it... Tsk, this had been the first and last time Kise had invited him to his photoshoots.

"Ki-chan!" Momoi exclaimed all of a sudden, running to the blond with sparkling eyes.


"Please, I want you to introduce us!" The girl pleaded with hopeful eyes.

"Eh? But he can only speak Russian." Kise said reluctantly at crushing the girl's hopes. However she didn't seem to mind in the slightest.

"It's fine. Introduce us!"

"It's fine, you say..." Kise chuckled amused at Momoi's eagerness. "You're lucky that some of my Russian fans taught me the basics to greet someone. I'll try, come with me."

The girl didn't think twice, she stepped towards the Russian's spot even before Kise. The blond got surprised but he should be waiting for something like this since Momoi was the straightforward type. Although he believed that she would get shy in front of him. After all he was her idol.

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