5. The Dark Turtlez Evil Plots

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While Cisco, Lilly, and Levi were traveling to the small tower containing the third star piece, Dark Turtlez ruler Joll has been plotting a large attack to take complete control of Zebes and The Fairy Palace.

Desiray, was being imprisoned in Joll's Fortress high up in the Clouds of Mystery.

The Clouds of Mystery were really a mystery to everyone. They aren't located anywhere, but instead only a few sorceress know of a way to get to the Clouds of Mystery through the use of spells.

Joll assigned two of his commanders to lead an army of 500 each to take control of Zebes and the Fairy Palace.
Commander David was assigned to take over Zebes, and Commander Daniel to take over the Fairy Palace.

David and Daniel were twins, masters of athleticism and weaponary. The two followed the code "Anything is a Weapon", making the duo extremely dangerous.

"My lord, we are at your service." David and Daniel said to Joll.
"Alright, you have one simple mission. Infiltrate their base, find their commander." Joll ordered.
"Wouldn't it just be easier if we find their commander first?" David asked.
"Infiltrate their base, find their commander." Joll repeated.
"But sir, I think David has a poin-" Daniel said as he was interrupted by Joll.
"Y-Yes sir!" David and Daniel shouted.

David and Daniel both ordered their armies to board the Airships.

The first assault occurred an hour after the orders were given.

David ordered his army to shoot threw the big wall the Chozo had built and to take control of every building.

"Code Red! Code Red! This is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill!"

Every last Chozo was being held in their house, each with a Dark Turtle keeping watch.

David has successfuly completed the first part of the order, but now, came the second part.

The commander of the Chozo army was none other than the Light Turtle Alyssa.

Alyssa was at the center tower discussing plans for war with King Aran.

"What should we do?!" Alyssa asked.
"You need to get out of here dear." King Aran said. "You must go and find Cisco to come help us. I will keep them busy as long as I can, but you must go now. I have a suit for you to wear that will fit your fight style perfectly."
King Aran bring out a suit that seemed perfectly fit for a ninja, which was Alyssa's fighting style. A stealthy assassin type fighter.
The boots for the suit enhanced Jumping abilities as well as allowed her to run as fast as the speed of light.
A storage system was built into the suit which was perfect for carrying knives, burst and freezing grenades, as well as anything else you would like to take along. The suit was very well covering of the body, with red and white shadings as the suits colors. All of the suit was topped off, with a yellow scarf.
"Thank you King Alan. I shall bring help, expect my return in a few days." Alyssa said.
King Aran prepared a cannon to fire Alyssa into the neighboring Island to the east.

As David approached the room where they both were, King Aran fired Alyssa into the neighboring East Island.

David entered. He took control of all of Zebes, and reported to Joll.

At the same time, Daniel commenced his attack on The Fairy Palace.

As you may recall, the Fairy Army has been training themselves to prepare for war.
When Daniel blew open the doors, the Fairy Army immediately placed traps in the paths the Dark Turtlez will have to walk through.
Unlike the Chozo army, the Fairy army was prepared for battle at all times.
The Fairy army began an assault on the Dark Turtlez.
In minutes, half of Daniel's army was gone.
Daniel ordered everyone to storm in and kill anyone who interfered while he mad his way to Princess Percy's tower.
A battle broke out. The Dark Turtlez battled stalled as much as they could so Daniel can make his way to Princess Percy's tower.
Daniel made it inside Percy's tower, and when he went inside, Juan and Gerardo assaulted him and left him with open wounds.
"You shall not pass!" They both said.
"I have no time for you fools." Daniel said.
Daniel pulled out a tazer and tazed them both, knocking them out.
Daniel proceeded to the next room, where Percy was hiding.
Meanwhile back outside, the Dark Turtlez army were about to be eliminated.
Back at Percy's tower, Daniel could not find Percy.
He searched all of the rooms, but Percy was no where to be found.
Percy was using a spell of invisibilty on herself while she used all of her energy to form one giant energy blast to end Daniel's life.
When she was finally ready, she calmed her mind.
"NOW BOYS! RESTRAIN HIM!" Percy ordered!
Gerardo and Juan walked and got a hold of Daniel's arms.
"Hold him!" Percy yelled!
Percy then fired the energy blast at Daniel.
In a matter of seconds, Juan, Gerardo, and Percy were unconscious on the ground.
At the moment of impact, Daniel divided the blast in three using his hands and then kicked one at each of the three.
Daniel now has Princess Percy as a hostage.
Daniel went on to inform all of the Fairy army of the situation.
"Surrender now, or your precious Percy will die." Daniel told the fairies.
The Fairy army had no choice. They all surrendered and were imprisoned by the Dark Turtlez.
Joll has now arrived at Zebes. He walked up to where David had King Aran. "How would you like to join me Aran? I could really use you and your people in my plans." Joll asked.
"Never! I'd rather die than join your stupid idiot army!" King Aran yelled.
"Whatever you want Aran." Joll said.
Joll grabbed King Aran by the neck and jabbed three holes in his gut. Joll then proceeded to tear off King Aran's arms and legs. Aran is no longer alive, but Joll turned his body into ashes with lasers that came through his eyes.
"Its time for my world domination to commence. I always get what I want." Said Joll.

Meanwhile, Cisco, Lilly, and Levi have no clue what has occurred, they are approaching the small tower fast. Alyssa has landed on the island the trio is in, and she is storming the land searching for Cisco.

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