Part 3: The Favor

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Wendy clutched her purse as she hurried out of the house. Sliding into the driver's seat of Michael's Cadillac, she pulled out onto the street. She parked in front of Mr. Avery's house, knocking on the door. 

His butler opened the door. "Ms. Darling," he bowed. "They're in the sitting room. I'll escort you there and let Mr. Avery know you've arrived."

Mr. Avery appeared behind her. "Ms. Darling!" he cried, wringing his hands. "I'm so glad you've come! I'm at my wit's end. These two had a fight at my party the other night, were kicked out, then fought each other again and were arrested! I had to bail them out, but they won't tell me what they fought about and won't even look at each other. Please help me!"

Wendy smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Mr. Avery. I'll have it sorted out in no time."

She let the butler take her coat, and then Mr. Avery himself led her to the sitting room. Rapping sharply on the door, she turned the handle and pushed it open. Tootles and Nibs sat in armchairs, resolutely not looking at each other. 

Wendy closed the door, then sat on a chair opposite the two. "Hello," she ventured. Looking to the unfamiliar one, she introduced herself. "I met Mr. Tootles at the party, but I haven't met you. I'm Wendy Darling."

The frosty silence in the room remained. She sighed and tried again. "I heard you were in a fight last night. Mr. Avery wants me to resolve the conflict between you two."

Nibs didn't take kindly to her intervention. "Who are you, our mother?"

"I'm simply a friend of Mr. Avery," she replied calmly. "What were you fighting over?"

Tootles looked away. Nibs glared at her, pain in his eyes. Sensing he was the more verbal of the two, she continued to probe. "Listen. It does no good to sit and stew in your own hatred. Calmly explain your side of the issue and I can help solve this."

Nibs laughed, a harsh sound. "If only. You know this fine lady, Tod. Why don't you explain?"

The blonde man wouldn't make eye contact with either of them, his face hidden in his hands. "Mr. Tootles," Wendy tried softly. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh, she calls you Tootles, Tod. Are you two seeing each other?" Nibs noted mockingly, and Wendy blushed.

"Sir, that is completely improper and uncalled for! Please, let's focus on the issue at hand." A little anger entered her tone. 

"Tootles." Them man murmured his own name, almost wistfully. "Do you know who gave me that nickname? Do you remember, Nathan?" He shot the name like an accusation. "Do you remember who gave you your nickname?"

Nibs froze, his eyes hardening like inscrutable glass orbs. "It was the twins, Nibs," whispered Tootles. "Is that why you refuse to call me by my nickname?"

As Wendy looked on, uncomprehending, Nibs softened. "I..." he bit his lip, closing his eyes briefly. "I miss them, Tod."

Tootles swallowed. "Then why can't you accept what you've done?" He looked up at Nibs, the direct eye contact a challenge. "I did all I could! But it was your fault in the first place."

"It was—"

"No!" Tootles stopped him cold, wrath blazing in his eyes. "It wasn't 'my idea.' It wasn't a one time thing! We had done stunts like that a thousand times. You can't blame me because of that!" 

He stood as Wendy looked on, helpless. "Your pride didn't let anyone else check the ropes. Your pride insisted we go even when the weather was questionable. Your pride can't let you accept that fact that you let them die, so you're trying to shift the blame off on me so you don't feel guilt." 

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