Chapter 3

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The photo above is for later on in the chapter. Okay, Bye bye!

•Mark's POV:
(Y/n), Cry, Jack, Felix and I made our way to second period which was art class. (y/n) was walking right next to me and Jack was on the other side. There is just something about her that makes her so amazing. She's shy, but when you talk to her she is very welcoming, her eyes were the prettiest of (e/c), and her (h/l), (h/c) hair just makes everything about her even better besides the fact that the color (f/c) looks very nice on her. And the way she just looks at me, just makes me feel really warm. I felt this way ever since she appeared on Jack, Cry, and Felix's channel. She was very funny and cute in all three colabs. We entered the classroom and the teacher gave (y/n) an excited welcome. "Ah, (y/n)! I am so glad to have you here, maybe today you can teach the class, show them how to draw that guy you often draw! What's his name... Oh yeah! Markiplier, is it? And is this here the man you draw? I am quite shocked and amazed that you got every little detail of him on one picture. That's it, you are going to teach the class!" The teacher said to her. She giggled. "Okay, I'll do it, as long as Jack dresses in a frilly dress!" She joked. Jack looked at her with wide eyes. Felix and Cry held him down and the teacher dressed him in a frilly dress. Jack looked butt hurt. "Okay, a deal's a deal! Jack, stay in the dress, and I won't paint you red!" (y/n) said, still laughing at Jack. We all sat down and (y/n) walked in front of the class, holding a purple lead pencils. The lesson has started.
"Okay class, as you know, Mr.Howell has asked me to be the teacher because of my art! So what you want to do is draw a circle which is going to be the start of the head." She then drew a perfect circle. "Okay, now you will have to make a triangle that is a bit round and it will connect to the circle, acting as the chin." She then drew the chin and erased the part of the circle that was inside the head. "Okay, now you are going to draw the neck, which is fairly easy, considering that it's just two lines!" She then drew the neck. "Okay, now for the shoulders, which is again, two lines, curving into arms." She drew the shoulders and the outside of the arms. "Okay, now you need to do the chest and torso, which is again, easy. All you have to do is draw two curved lines that turns straight." She drew the torso. "Okay, now onto the hands, which is difficult to do! All you have to do is.. I can't explain it, so just watch!" She then drew my hands and made my index fingers touch. "Now we are going to do the hair, which what you have to do is stare at Mark's hair and just draw it in the best way you can, or watch me." She started drawing my hair and made it look almost identical to mine. "Okay, now onto the face! Start with the eyes first! Start with a curved line with one end longer than the other which is the outside one. Now you are going to draw an oval with another oval inside which is the eye itself. now draw the under eye which is another curved line." She drew the eyes which looked really cute. "Now, the eye brows are more simple than anything else here. All it is, is a straight line." She then drew the eye brows. "The nose is also very simple, all you have to do is drawing two lines touching almost looking like a triangle." She drew the nose. "The glasses are just rectangles without a bottom connected with a curved line above the nose." She drew the glasses. "The stubble is semi hard, but also easy if you know what you are doing. Go up and down with your pencil around the chin, connecting to the hair. Now do the same pencil thing under the nose to create the mustache." She then drew the facial hair. "Now all that's left is to give it color!" She then colored the photo with colored pencils and outlined the body with a pen and gave it a signature. "Okay, that is the lesson, let's see what we created! Wow, it looks great doesn't it? Mark you should be honored that I chose you to draw for many years!" She said, looking right at me. Could she tell I was blushing? Is that why she is staring so deeply into my eyes? Is she blushing? Should I be staring back at her in silence? Or should I say something? I think I should. "I am extremely honored that you pay attention to every detail on my body, it shows that you pay attention to me in general, and I thank you for making me such cute fan art, I really appreciate it!" I said to her. She gave me a smile that opened my eyes, and helped me embrace the light ahead. I never want her to stop smiling as long as I am alive. The bell rang and it was a break before 3rd period.

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