CHAPTER TWO:Dream Too Real

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Today Mary woke up two hours after the alarm should have gone off. She gets up and goes straight to the bathroom. Mary barely remembered to strip herself of her clothes before she went to wash up. She stayed in the bath for over an hour. Once she got out, she rushed out of the bathroom and got dressed. She quickly brushed her hair with the brush she saw on her dresser. She practically ran out of her room in a black turtleneck with a matching ankle length skirt. She hadn't look at herself once...

Mary rushed out of the manor she called home. She would have kept on running if one of the maids hadn't made her stop and go back inside to eat something. After she reluctantly finished the food that was forced in front of her, she rushes out only to once again be stopped by yet another maid. The maid had her sit down as she sent another maid to get a car ready. The maid, Annabeth, places something around Mary's neck and put shoes on Mary's feet. Annabeth led Mary to the car and told the driver where to drop her off. Throughout the entire ride, Mary couldn't hold still and refused to look out the window.

Once the driver had dropped Mary off at the library in the town a few miles from the manor. Mary almost ran into the library if her she had forgotten she wasn't in the manor. She walked with quick steps to the highest floor in the facility. There is where Mary saw a cloaked figure beckon her to follow it. Once it started moving, she almost falls over herself as she goes to follow it.

The figure leads her up several flights of stairs into a room with a black door. As soon as she enters the room, the door closes itself. The overall theme throughout the room was gothic with victorian undertone. She had noticed it was a bedroom that she had ran into. The only thing that wasn't either black or red was the white canopy bed that stood near an open window. The moon was shining proudly through it. It was one in the afternoon... This was when she finally noticed, she didn't know what had happened between the time she had fallen back to sleep last night and now. She saw a mirror that stood on the wall opposite to the bed and nearly fainted. What caught her attention wasn't what she was wearing, nor her hair, or even the necklace the rested on her clothed collar bone. It was her eyes, her pupil shone a bright ruby which contrasted greatly with her icy green irises. Her attention was taken from her eyes to the cloaked figure with the soft glow of the jeweled dagger it help in its left hand. She backed up slowly until her back hit the wall in which the door once stood. The cloak figure removes the hood from its head to reveal a male face. He has hair that seemed to go to his knees though it wasn't clear where it ended since is hair matched the color of his midnight cloak. His skin was dark which made his golden eyes seem to shine even brighter. Mary felt a strange sense of familiarity which made her relax a bit. However as soon as the male started to walk closer to her, the small sense of relaxation that she had felt immediately disappeared and she began to panic. The mysterious figure stopped once her was directly in front of Mary. He gently takes her right hand and puts the dagger into it. He closes her fingers around the handle of the weapon. He then walks away from the confused Mary to the mirror. Once there, he points to his reflection. What the mirror has shown her was not the tall man but a familiar black cat. The man spoke, his voice smooth yet raspy as if he hadn't used his voice in a while. "Kuro. You gave me the name, Kuro. Remember?" Mary nearly dropped the dagger in her hand. She tried to think logically about this but she couldn't. She knew this wasn't possible but so was her forgetting how she got here. She knew she wasn't kidnapped. The guards surrounding the manor along with all the people who worked there and how big the place was, it wouldn't have been possible to even find where she slept. Not only that, it would have been impossible to not only bathe and clothed her without her waking up. Drugs had no effect on her strangely so there was no logical way for her to have been kidnapped. Also, no one but her parents and Kuro even knew her name. Everyone else called her "Lady" or "Madam" because they did not know her first name. The man spoke again, dragging Mary out of her thoughts once again. "Mary? If you don't believe me, give me back the dagger. If you do believe me, you'll wake up." Mary was puzzled by this statement. 'Wake up?' She didn't know what he had meant by that. She was going to ask what he meant but when she opened her mouth to speak as usual no sound came out. Kuro walked up to Mary and captures her into a hug. "Mary...Nya~"

With the sound of a cat's meow, Mary opens her eyes to see Kuro the black cat pawing gently at her face. "Nya~" Mary laughs silently to herself. After kissing the crown of the cat's head before turning off the alarm just before it went off. She then gets up and prepares for the day. She hadn't notice the dagger that had sat where the book that she had read the previous day once stood. 

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