Chapter 16

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Stormie's POV

When Laura and Ross came down, I was really concerned about Laura. Her eyes were red and puffy. I can tell she was crying. We all could tell. She was carrying a little boy who she fed. Then they left after he ate. Laura didn't even eat, she was just wiping her tears while she was on her phone. Her, Ross and the little boy left hurriedly once he finished.

Stormie: Ellen, what happened with Laura?

Ellen: I don't know, she's never been like this.

Stormie: who was that little boy?

Rocky: that's her son. (Rocky says as he approaches the kitchen island)

Stormie: son?! She has a kid?

Ellen: no, no. That's her godson.

Stormie: oh

Thank goodness. I wouldn't be mad if it was her child, I'd just be shocked. I've always wanted Laura to have Ross's kids. I want Laura to be my daughter in law. She's the most amazing girl for Ross. I never liked Courtney or his other girlfriends.

Rocky kept taking more waffles from the platter. I slapped his hand.

Rocky: ow, mom. (He whines)

Stormie: stop, you have to save some for Ross and Laura.

Rocky: but they're probably just going to get food anyway (he reaches for more, but I slap his hand again)

Stormie: when they come home, and they don't want it, you can eat it.

Rocky: ugh fine. (Ellen laughs)

Ellen: here Rocky, I'll give you one more.

Rocky: yes! Thanks Ellen! (Ellen laughs)

Laura's POV

We're at the hospital right now. August is waiting for us in a private waiting room. I have Jackson in my arms, Ross is behind me. Ross and I aren't really on speaking terms right now. I may have yelled at him in the car.

I get to the room, we enter the room and I see August sitting on one of the couches. I put Jackson down and he runs to Austin. It looks like he's been crying and he looks depressed.

Jackson: daddy!

August: hey jack! How are you

Jackson: good, mommy Lauwie gave me waffews today.

August: yum. I need to talk to mommy Laurie. Why don't you go with Ross?

Jackson: ok (he goes to Ross, and he picks him up)

I turn to Ross and he gives me a small smile.

Laura: wait for me outside the room. (He nods)

I wait for them to leave, then I sit next to August.

August: Laura, I'm sorry.

Laura: you should be, you can't think like that. Especially when you have a 2 year old son!

August: I know, I'm sorry, but I can't live without her

Laura: I know how you feel, but you can't just end your life, Vic wouldn't want that. (He nods)

August: they're moving Vic to a better hospital in New York where they deal with situations like hers. And hopefully, she'll be ok.

Laura: she will be ok. I know Vic and she's a tough one. Remember when we went to my uncle's club and she beat a bitch for taking shit about her hair?

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