Kapitel 3

19 1 1

'Your dark eyes shine like little diamonds, reflecting the brilliant light of the stars.'

"Judith, what slip of paper are you holding? Is it your ticket out of Germany? Because you deserve to leave." Lorenz said, eyeing the slip of paper that fell, suspiciously.
"It's nothing that concerns you," I reply, scoffing. "If it did concern you, I'd let you know."
"There's no need to be so aggressive. Is it your time of the month again?" He asked, loud enough for everyone to hear. I sigh a long, exasperated sigh, and resisted the urge to say, 'Well, Lorenz, I'm surprised you can even see me with your head that far up your ass.' Instead, I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine. Read it." I threw the paper at him, and he read it out loud.
"Is that your dumb, 'emotionally dense' poetry? Because that has got to be the most pathetic attempt at writing it I've ever seen."
"Well," I said, "you obviously haven't read any of your literature works yet." I got up and left, leaving him speechless.

Everyone was congratulating me on putting Lorenz in his place. It's so frustrating, the fact that some people think it's okay to critique other people's efforts, like they've done something better with their life. Those people, like Lorenz and his clique, always have something to say, and they think that they're God's gift to the universe. But they're not, and everyone knows that except for them.

My phone vibrated, it was a text from Lottie, one of my friends from Berlin.
(Lottie's texts are in italics.)
Hey, how are you? :)
Good. How are you? ^-^
I'm alright. I'm getting ready for an 8 hour flight back to Berlin.
How was New York?
It was great! The meet up with Sophia was fun, she loved the hat. I've got to go out my phone in airplane mode, sorry! Bye!

I put my phone down, and I got a text from Greggy.
'Hey, can I ask I you something really important?'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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