I miss you
and your smile
and your giddy attitude
I loved it so much
it was so bright
and naive
because you hadnt yet been hurt
hurt by the cruel world
by societies view of people
you were similar to
or you didnt know
you were actually apart of yet
because trust me you never expected it
you were happy
so happy
that you only ever cried
when you were in trouble
and got yelled at or popped
you had a bright smile
no matter what was happening in the world
you were oblivious
and i love that about you
but im also envious
i envy you
and your genuine smiles
and laughs
your happy days
and rarely sad nights
never crying yourself to sleep
or even wanting to
never wanting to die
to end it
to not even care if you stepped in a road and
im envious because
black peoples lives were ended
and people started having to say that
#blacklivesmatter too
you didnt know that you
werent cisgender or straight
and you didnt have to struggle with coming out
or waiting to come out
or even needing to
you didnt have to deal with racism increasing
and the fear of being hurt
because now they have a voice
that could possibly get elected as a leader
that could completely ruin your life
you didnt have to worry about
falling in love with your best friend
and possibly having that relationship
never be the same
because mistakes were made
i envy you because i want to be you
but im not
not any more at least
and probably not ever again
and for that i am truly sorry
because you have to go through my struggles
you have to go through my highs and lows
and im sorry for that
i was sorry as soon as i wasnt you any more
Not You
Love, Not You
PoetryA poem to my past self Love, Not them (Not Anymore) --------- possible trigger warning