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songms: wonwoo~

songms: i miss you

songms: i feel like we haven't talked in forever

songms: and i feel like i've been a crappy friend

songms: i'm sorry wonwoo

songms: please talk to me

songms: i really need you right now

jeonww: sorry babe, i was in the shower

jeonww: are you okay?

songms: no i've had a terrible day

jeonww: what happened?

songms: my friends and that douchebag ex

jeonww: what did they all do?

songms: well my ex tried to get back together with me

songms: but i told him i couldn't 

songms: and then he showed up at my apartment today 

songms: and he kissed me

songms: when i told my friends what happened, they attacked me

songms: but i can't blame them

songms: i kissed him back and i feel like shit

jeonww: oh baby :(

jeonww: i wish i could be there for you 

songms: can't you come to busan

songms: it wouldn't take that long

jeonww: ya know what?

jeonww: i'll try to come to busan

songms: really?

jeonww: anything for my babygirl

i smiled at my phone screen as my heart fluttered.

i was really developing feelings for him.

songms: wonwoo thank you for being so great

songms: you always make me feel better when i'm feeling like shit

jeonww: you don't have to thank me, minsun

jeonww: i'll always be here for you

my cheeks were hot, my heart was pounding, and my stomach was full of butterflies.


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