Please don't be mad

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Aria's POV

I notice Spencer tense up in my arms when we pull into the station. I really hope everything works about because she deserves way better than what she's been through and I love her more than anything in the world.

"Are you okay babe?" I gently stroke her hair. She's so beautiful.

"Just a little nervous" she whispers as she nuzzles further into my arms, which still continues to give me butterflies.

Melissa clears her throat causing the both of us to look at her. "Are we going or what?" She laughs, and me and Spence get out the car, never letting go of each other's hand.

Spencer's POV

I hold Aria and Melissa's hands and take a deep breath. This is it. This is the moment that could change everything; and as nervous as I am, I know I'm going to be okay because no matter what happens I have these two amazing people by my side.

The three of us walk through the front door, and I feel a lump in my throat when I see my mom and dad sitting near the front desk. Part of me wants to run away again, but the other part of me knows this has to be done. I squeeze Aria's hand and she gives me that beautiful smile.

I slowly walk towards my parents and the first thing that escapes from my mouth is "Please don't be mad". My parents eyes shoot up from the ground where they had previously been glaring at.

"Spencer? Where have you been?" My mom asks and I begin to feel sick.

"Mom, just listen. Don't be so hard on her" Melissa squeezes my hand and I show my gratitude with a simple smile.
My parents make an 'I'm listening' face and I take a deep breath.

"I ran away because I had a huge bundle of feelings inside of me and I couldn't handle it. I couldn't stand being around everyone because I was a mess and at the time I thought no one cared but I know now that that's not true and I'm really sorry please don't be mad". I catch my breath and my mom gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Spencer, I understand that you felt lost inside but you know that doesn't mean you have to actually physically get lost" my mom smiles and everyone laughs. "I'm just glad you're okay" she adds.

"What made you come back?" My dad asks, and that's when my heart starts racing.

"Oh...uhm, t-that's the second part..." I mumble and my parents lean forward, ready to listen. "Aria found me and we sorted some feelings out and well, uhm, we're kinda sorta...I mean she's...she's my...girlfriend...".

My mom begins to smile and holds her hand out. At first I was confused, but then Melissa rolled her eyes and placed twenty dollars in my mom's hand.

"I told you" my mom sings.

"Yeah whatever" Melissa crosses her arms.

"Wait already-" I begin but my mother cuts in.

"Spencer I'm not blind" she smirks. "You've always been in love with her" she says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world; although apparently it is since everyone seems to know about us already.

"So you're not mad?" I ask innocently.

"No I'm not mad" she smiles and I immediately attack her with a hug. My dad soon joins the hug, then Melissa. My mom gestures for Aria to join and the smile on my girl's face is my favourite thing in the universe.

I see everyone around me and I realise that people do care, and that I was wrong. I couldn't be happier with how things turned out, and I have never felt more loved.

*Hey guys I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you so much for being so patient, you don't understand how much I appreciate all of you. Don't forget to comment, I love reading them 😊

-H xx

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