partners in crime

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Ben's P.O.V

when we ran back to the slender mansion everyone was there already and they were waiting for us. As we walked everyone was whistling low and I quickly glared at them and I spotted Jeff smirking and laughing so low,"Man what is wrong with you guys!" I asked,"you don't even realize what you are doing?" Veronica said,"yeah man! you are holding my daughter's hand tightly" Jeff said, I glanced at my hand and saw my hand interwined with Scarlett's I pulled it away blushing but Scarlett pulled away not blushing,"You're wondering why I'm not blushing aren't you?" she said,'Fuck I forgot',"watch your words" She warned, I rolled my eyes and she just sat on the couch beside Veronica,"can I open the T.V?" She asked, Jeff and I looked at each other and shook our heads fast,"Nononononono" we said,"you cannot turn the T.V on","why not?" she asked. All of a sudden Sally ran downstairs with charlie,"hey Skittles! why so down in the dumps?" she asked,'pshhsh Skittles that's an odd nickname' I thought,"No it's not mom and dad calls me Skittles" she said,I rolled my eyes and looked down,"yeah right" I mumbled,she glared at me and talked to Sally a little more,"So Sally why can't Dad and Ben let me watch T.V?" she asked,"Easy!, It's because they watch Porn movies and the ones with sex scenes that is why they know how to rape girls" She said,"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KNOW?" We asked,Sally giggled,"I won't tell you" she said and she ran to the kitchen where Slendy was cooking,"YOU ARE SO BUSTED" Scarlett said smirking,"B-U-S-T-E-D You are BUSTED" Veronica added,me and Jeff scratched  the back of our heads, Carter walked towards Jeff,"Now I know" She said smirking,"So? you still love me?" Jeff asked,"Yes... but you are grounded from watching porn movies" She said,"Wait? Mom? you and Dad watch porn movies?" Scarlett Asked,"well-um- Skittles of course we do, because we're parents" Carter added, Scarlett stood beside me and leaned to my ear,"no wonder I hear moaning coming from their room they got the actions through porn movies" Scarlett whispered,I snickered at them and leaned on Scarlett's ear,"next time you hear them moaning knock their door down and take a picture of them and send it to me okay?" I whispered making her giggle,"what did you say Ben?" Jeff asked crossing his arms,me and Scarlett looked down and whistled silently and sat down,"So? Skittles huh?" I asked smirking,"Shut up!" She said punching my arm lightly,"so? let's listen if they do the thing again?" Scarlett asked , I nodded and we silently did the bro fist "it's Stalking time" Scarlett said silently

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