Chapter Eleven

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     You woke up with a sore bottom half and a nauseous stomach. "I told you I would prove you wrong." Inuyasha told you as he got out of the cave. "Sorry I said that, I was just mad that you didn't listen to me." You said calmly as you looked at the forest. "It's ok." He told you.

You suddenly felt nauseous and light-headed so you ran into the woods to find a spot. "Why is this happening?" You thought. "Are you okay?" Inuyasha asked worriedly as he pinched his nose at the acrid smell. "No..." You replied, clutching your stomach with one hand and having the other feeling your temple.

     "We need to get you to Kaede, try to quickly get dressed cause we're leaving." Inuyasha told you as he gave you your clothes. "Thanks." You said quietly. "No need to thank me, it's the least I can do for yelling at you so horribly yesterday. I'm sorry for that." Inuyasha told you as he put a hand on your fuzzy ear, he rubbed it which made a purr from you come out.

     "It felt so good..." You said after he stopped. "Glad you liked it." Inuyasha said as he finished putting on his robe of the fire rat. "Let's go now." You said as you walked forward, you would've fell if it hadn't been for Inuyasha. He caught you right on time. "Bad idea. I'll carry you, (y/n)." He told you tenderly as he picked you up and began running while telling you to close your eyes.

     When you arrived you saw unfamiliar faces. "My queen! Are you ok?" Kage asked worriedly as he ran towards you and Inuyasha. "Not really..." You told him. "Is this our new queen?" Another voice asked. "Yes, Kirara. I am proud to present to you Queen (y/n)." Kage said as he tilted his head. "Hello Kirara, nice to meet you." You said as you told Inuyasha to set you down. You extended a hand towards the fire-cat, she gracefully shook your hand with her paw.

     "Uh...(Y/n)? Why do you always talk to yourself?" Inuyasha asked as he raised an eyebrow at you. "Well turns out I'm the queen of all cats. I can basically talk to all cats and I'm their queen." You said as you petted Kage and Kirara at the same time. Then, the nauseous stomach came back. You ran away to do it somewhere far away.

     "You okay?" Inuyasha and some others faces asked as they checked up on you. "No." You said truthfully. "I'm Sango." "My name's Miroku." "I'm Shippo!" They all said as they half-bowed to you. "Just cause I'm a queen doesn't mean you have to be all formal." You said with a smile. "My name is (y/n)." You said as you looked at them one by one.

     "I gotta get to Kaede now." You said as they all looked at you. "Let's go." Inuyasha told you as he carried you bridal style and set off to Kaede's hut.

Along the trip you kept asking yourself one question :

"Am I...pregnant?


     You woke up with a sore bottom half and a nauseous stomach. "I told you I would prove you wrong, mate." Sesshomaru told you as he got out of the cave. "Sorry I said that, I was just mad that you didn't listen to me." You said calmly as you looked at the forest. "It's ok." He told you.

You suddenly felt nauseous and light-headed so you ran into the woods to find a spot. "Why is this happening?" You thought. "Are you okay?" Sesshomaru asked you with worry in his tone as he pinched his nose at the acrid smell. "No..." You replied, clutching your stomach with one hand and having the other feeling your temple.

     "We need to get you to that priestess Kaede, try your best to quickly get dressed because we are leaving to see what is wrong." Sesshomaru told you as he gave you your clothes. "Thanks." You said quietly. "No need to thank me, it's the least I can do for yelling at you so horribly yesterday. I am truly sorry for that." Sesshomaru told you as he put a hand on your fuzzy ear, he rubbed it which made a purr from you come out.

     "It felt so good..." You said after he stopped. "I am happy you liked it." Sesshomaru said as he finished putting on his armor. "Let's go now." You said as you walked forward, you would've fell if it hadn't been for Sesshomaru. He caught you right on time. "That is a bad idea. This one will carry you, mate." He told you tenderly as he picked you up and began running while telling you to close your eyes.

     When you arrived you saw unfamiliar faces. "My queen! Are you ok?" Kage asked worriedly as he ran towards you and Sesshomaru. "Not really..." You told him. "Is this our new queen?" Another voice asked. "Yes, Kirara. I am proud to present to you Queen (y/n)." Kage said as he tilted his head. "Hello Kirara, nice to meet you." You said as you told Sesshomaru to set you down. You extended a hand towards the fire-cat, she gracefully shook your hand with her paw.

     "Mate? Why do you always talk to yourself?" Sesshomaru asked as he raised an elegant eyebrow at you. "Well turns out I'm the queen of all cats. I can basically talk to all cats and I'm their queen." You said as you petted Kage and Kirara at the same time. Then, the nauseous stomach came back. You ran away to do it somewhere far away.

     "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Sesshomaru and some others faces asked as they checked up on you. "No." You said truthfully. "I'm Sango." "My name's Miroku." "I'm Shippo!" They all said as they half-bowed to you. "Just cause I'm a queen doesn't mean you have to be all formal." You said with a smile. "My name is (y/n)." You said as you looked at them one by one.

     "I gotta get to Kaede now." You said as they all looked at you. "We shall head to her hut now." Sesshomaru told you as he carried you bridal style and set off to Kaede's hut.

Along the trip you kept asking yourself one question :

"Am I...pregnant?"

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