Chapter 2

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"I've had your clothing sent to dry-cleaning and a new outfit should be on its way here as we speak" Ashton says as I join him, after my shower, in just his bathrobe in his penthouse apartment in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. And yes, it is breathtakingly beautiful with a stunning view, his whole penthouse is actually - so masculine and bachelor-like with blacks, whites,grays and hints of red against shiny mahogany floors and glass windows overlooking the Manhattan skyline . Breaking away from my thoughts and tuning into what Ashton was saying, I take in another sort of breathtakingly stunning view altogether; looking at me under thick, long lashes and hooded, forest green eyes while sitting comfortably on a black leather couch and taking a long draw from his cup I begin to feel uncomfortable and a little self-conscious - emotions which I'm not particularly used to - as I think of myself, barely clothed before a man I know absolutely naught about. Blinking and forcing a congenial smile on my face I thank him. "Sit down Alissa" he drawls with a raised eyebrow and amusement twinkling in his eyes, "Have some coffee, think of it as a way of me making amends for spilling your other one." Rolling my eyes and huffing, I lean forward and pour myself a cup of some very much needed and beloved coffee while I think of all the ways I could murder this guy for completely derailing my morning and possibly getting myself a major talking down from my mother for messing up this deal with the client whom I'm supposed to be meeting in literally an hour and forty-nine minutes. I'm literally about to go insane. "So, while we wait for your clothing to be dropped off I've ordered breakfast which should b-" he stops abruptly as a voice over the intercom asks his permission to allow the servers with the room service breakfast he ordered to come into his suite through the elevator. Granting them his permission, he turns back to me with a beaming smile, "Speak of the devil! Breakfast has arrived and I didn't know what exactly it is that you like so I ordered muffins, fruit salad, croissants, omelettes, pancakes, juice and of course" he looks as my already empty coffee cup, "your beloved coffee" he says while taking a seat at his dining room table. "Thank you" I say, stunned and irritated by his hospitality, I mean -hello! Does this guy not understand the urgency in which I need to get to work? A sister ain't got time to be having long, languid breakfasts when I should be getting to work. Yes, my mother owns Orion but did I have to work my butt off to get to where I was? Hell yeah! And did mama play when it came to clients and professionalism? Hell to the nah she didn't! I am literally going to be toast if I don't close the deal with the client today. "Listen Ashton, you've been such a gracious and affable host" I start out as politely as possible, trying to reign in my frustration and impatience as he pauses to look up at me from devouring his omelette and pancakes "But I seriously don't have the time to do this, I need to be on the other side of town, at Orion Corporations. I have a 10'o clock appointment and I seriously can't be late for -"

"Alissa? Sit down and have breakfast, it's exactly 08:31 right now. " Like is this guy for real? Who does he think he is ordering me around? "And my point has been made, Thank you Ashton! I need 30 minutes prep time and in Manhattan traffic how do you think I'm going to make it if I'm sitting pretty and having a full breakfast when I should be on my way there? And just when did you say my clothing would be arriving?" I say this as I succumb to my treacherous stomach and fill my plate with a croissant and omelette and pour myself some juice, while Ashton watches with an equally surprised, intrigued and amused facial expression. Yes I do know when to stop taking the damn stuff! Clearing his throat while wiping his mouth he looks at me, "Darling, calm down" Darling!? "I can get you there in 7 minutes flat, you'll have your 30 minutes prep time" 7 minutes? How exactly does he plan to pull that one off? And what about my clothes? I did ask about them right? Deciding to ignore my instinct to ask him again, I focus on how deliciously sweet my peach juice is and engage Ashton in conversation.

Just as we were finishing up our meal, Kenz calls me to check if I'm on my way and I reassure her I'll be there in time for my prep all while giving Ashton a pointed and meaningful look and as I end my call with her I tell her to cancel my breakfast order without telling her the specifics of my sudden disinterest in my favourite breakfast; waffles with a side of fruit salad and double thick Greek yogurt. But I feel as though there's no real reason to bring up Ashton who has been an unexpected, amusing, sexy and irritating whirlwind this morning. And besides, if I bring him up now, what are we going to gossip about at lunch? Bidding her goodbye after running through a checklist to make sure that everything is in order, I notice that I've got 54 minutes before the beginning of my meeting meaning that I have 14 minutes before I have to leave to get there in time for my prep, yeah I'll allow him an extra 3 minutes to his mysterious 7 minute method of getting me to work. "Great! You're done, you'll find your clothing on my bed in my room, they arrived while you were showering before breakfast." What. Did. He. Just. Say? "I hope it all fits, well it should because I looked at the sizing tags of your clothing that I sent to dry-cleaning." He says it casually as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Feeling humiliation and embarrassment become the central emotions clouding me as I think of him seeing how big I actually am, I choose to focus on my anger and disbelief. "Are you kidding me? What do you mean my clothing arrived while I was showering!?" I ask perplexed and infuriated I mean how could he just allow me to prance around his penthouse in just his bathrobe when I had clothes ready and waiting to be worn!? I could have been out here forever ago! While expressing this to him he looks at me with an amused smile and mischievous glint in his eyes, "We had a good time didn't we? I didn't hear you complaining when you were moaning over how amazing the croissants were," I did not moan! "Besides," he says walking close to me and leaning down "I really liked seeing you in my bathrobe, it looks much better on you than on me" he growls in my ear before promptly sauntering off while saying I better hurry if I want to make it in time.

Looking at myself in the mirror in his room, I am so grateful to whoever bought the clothing for me because this ivory, silk Chanel jumpsuit and black blazer is so me and perfectly professional enough to meet Orion standards. And although I do feel kinda bad about him buying me the clothes, which girl doesn't get excited over the prospect of new clothing? Nevertheless, I vow to remember to get his banking details because all he had to really do was take care of the dry-cleaning, not treat me as though I was his girlfriend who had stayed the night, although that is a very nice thought... Deciding that the red lipstick and mascara I had on me would just have to do as I don't have my full make up kit, I exit his room and head down the spiralling stairs to find him waiting for me in the living room at the bottom of the stairs. "Stunning" he breathes out as I step on the landing. Holding out his arm for me to take, which I do, he says that I've 41 minutes to my meeting, meaning that he has 11 minutes to get me there as promised as he walks me to the elevator and presses the 'rooftop' button. "And how exactly do you propose you're going to do that?" I ask him as the elevator doors open and a deafening sound fills our ears and wind blows our way. "Simple," he says to me while slipping on his sunglasses "I've arranged for us to fly". Ok then..

Hi everyone!

I'm like super duper sorry for not updating, I've had a lot of personal stuff going on and I'm also in matric at the moment (senior year?). I'm going to try my best to update but I'm not promising anything. Please bear with me right now and I'm super sorry for any disappointment! Don't hate me J xxx I love you!

Remember to share, vote and comment, love you stunners x


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