So I play mobas right. Specifically VAINGLORY, so I also support, right.
When I freaking support people I go in an body block, create amazing set ups and die cause it's my job to sacrifice my self for the hard carry. So what in the hell is up with freaking people pinging me and all this other your bad stuff. Which pisses me off to no end when a person doesn't freaking know how to kite, build, or team fight then comes in at the last moment to KS. Even some times the laner KSs the jg carry and then they get under leveled and fall of late game while the dumb laner stills jg farm at the same time they are KSing
Support role should be praised for saving all the freaking ADC pieces of trash who only come in for the kill and don't help. Come on people!!!! Do damage and not sit there and wait for your support to die before you go in and kill your self cause your an idiot!!!!!!
Also another salt inducing thing is when you save some one or body block them from dying they turn around go back into a 1v3 situation and die, then we lose the game cause the carry gave them an ACE.
There's so much more I'd like to rage but that's all.
RandomDon't leave alone in here!!! There is so much out there that I'd like people to know about or at least give a chance!! Come on now there's no harm in learning about new things and new fandoms of under appreciated stuffs... (Actually I just need peop...