The 40 Year Old Virigin

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                   I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. I've accepted that as truth. No man or woman would ever want me. I was destined for a life by myself. I was already in college and I've never been kissed, been on a date, or even had a boyfriend or girlfriend.

The next 40 year old virgin right here!

I finally got into a college. It's an all girls so I should be able to focus since I prefer boys a lot more than girls, but girls weren't all out of the picture. I get to chose my dorm room today.

I hope I didn't get roomed with anyone.

I like my privacy.

I huffed in frustration as I glared at the paper saying this was building three. This was my building for the time being. I wanted an apartment, but a dorm room was much cheaper. I pulled my luggage up the long stairs probably ruining my perfect luggage bag. I pulled the oak door open and sighed.

More stairs.

Stairs were my natural born enemy. Either I fall, trip, or face-plant right into them. That includes my 3rd grade performance as a tree. (As in I fell down the stairs coming off the stage and everyone laughed at me.) I glared at them closely as if they were going to make a nasty remark.

I stomped up them holding onto the rail with my teeth clenched as I came to the top I almost let out a breath of relief before sucking it back in.

Preppy girls.

They looked at me with stone cold blue and green eyes then looked me up and down.

"You can have the room at the end of the hall." One squeaked out.

I nodded slowly before rolling my luggage with me at the end of the hall, hearing echoes front the hallway.

"I am so not rooming with her."

"Me either."

How harsh. They weren't even trying to whisper. I couldn't stand bitchy people like these girls.

"I will."

I stopped in my tracks with shock, looking back.

A beautiful woman stood there. Her long legs moved towards me in a graceful manner. Her golden locks in waves. Her red lips stick stood out making her eyes pop completely. Her lashes shadowed over her sharp cheek bones.

I felt a blush coming across my face.

What a beautiful woman.

She smiled gently holding out her smooth pale hand. "I'm Alexis. You can call me Alex though."

I gave her a shy smile and shook her hand. "I'm Mabel-l." The nervousness caught up in my voice.

"You're so pretty.." Alex exclaimed.

"Alexis.. Wouldn't you much rather room with us?" A brunette spoke up.

"I prefer not to room with you." She said gently but it was quite harsh

"Shall we?" She giggled and pulled me to the very last room at the end of the hall.

Number 95.

Got it.

We went into the room and put our things down. I didn't mind having Alex as a room mate. She didn't seem like the one to bother and frankly I wasn't either. She gave me a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry if you didn't want to room with me it's just I hate girls like them."

"Oh no! I don't mind. I understand. Girls like them were always mean to me." I mumbled.

"Well I'll make sure they're not mean to you." She winked, making my face go red.

"T-Thanks Alex!"

We went on to getting to know each other. She was 20, I was 19. She surprisingly like classic rock just like me! We had a lot in common.

But one thing stood in my way.

I couldn't shake the fact that I was attracted to her. Her smooth skin. Her hazel eyes. Her pearly whites. Her tallness. Everything about her.

After a while I took a shower and put on my PJs and since we were both girls I could change in front of Alex. She had popped in a movie and was still in her clothes.

"Now for all seriousness." She mumbled. "There's another reason why I picked you to be my roommate. I have a very big secret that I need to trust you with."

"Anything! I'll help." I grinned and sat beside her.

Please like girls or be gay.

She sighed and look at me,"I'm a boy."


Author's Notes:

Woah! What a first chapter. I hope to write more. I hope whoever or whatever reads this enjoyed!

- Hannah R.K🌙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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