Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Everyone stood up quickly. Belle looked at us all with a plastic smile. I cleared my throat and smiled back.

"Belle, you're back early." I said with enough cheer that it didn't seem suspicious or anything.

It worked because Belle looked at me and smiled without strain. "Yes, well, business went better than I presumed. What's going on in here?"

"I knocked Azmina to the ground by accident and somehow it ended up in a massive bear hug." I lied smoothly.

Belle nodded and looked at Azmina who nodded in somewhat of confirmation. Then Belle fixed her bag strap and smiled. "Okay then. Addy do you mind coming with us. We have something to discuss with you."

Uncle Savani gave away nothing with his face. There was nothing good about this situation. I fixed my shoulders and gave them a small smile. "Of course." I gave Kat a look before following my Uncle and Belle.

When we arrived to my office, I had a seat in my chair while Savani and Belle sat in front of me. I cleared aside a pile of paperwork that was in the way before interlocking my hands and resting them on the desk in front of me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Uncle Savani cleared his throat. "It has been brought to my attention by Belle, that someone has taken something of hers and now she wishes to retrieve it."

I looked at her. "Is that so? Well, what did they take?"

"That's not important," she responded cooly. "All that matters is that it was taken and I want it back."

"How am I supposed to get back an unknown object? I can't just go to my guards and tell them to look out for a nondescript object that looks like it might belong to you, Belle." I replied smartly.

Belle started to glare at me before stopping herself. Then she turned to Uncle Savani who cleared his throat. "Addy, maybe tone down the smartness a bit. This isn't how a Boss should really act." he told me.

I was speechless. Was he taking her side? I looked at him for some sign or signal or something but he kept his face blank.

"Thank you, Savani." Belle said kindly.

I fought hard to keep myself calm. "Okay, can I at least know who took it?" I asked.

Belle looked at Savani again much to my annoyance. Uncle Savani watched me. "Do you anyone by the name of Luke Matthews, Addy?"

So that's what this was about. I leaned back in my chair. "I did once."


"Luke's dead. Alina killed him." I said firmly looking Belle's way. I had to keep reminding myself to ease up on the hostility before Belle began questioning my behavior.

"He's dead?" Uncle Savani asked seriously.

I shrugged. "Last I checked."

Belle ran a finger across my smooth mahogany desk. "Well, last I check, one of my men spotted him six hours ago walking out of a diner in England. Surely, they couldn't be lying."

This time I was seconds from my temper snapping. "Maybe it was just someone that looked like him. And why do you have men searching for him but still coming to me about this?"

She smirked. "Would you rather I'd hide it from you? You're the Boss, Addy. I'm almost surprised you're only hearing about this now. If Giovanni was still here his first question would've been why did I not get Luke six hours ago when he was spotted."

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