three | family business

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a/n: if you can make me a cover for this book, please inbox me! maybe you could email it to me and i might consider it! please inbox!


"W-where am I?" I asked myself in a weak whisper.

"Be quiet, Kat. Can't you see I'm trying to figure out what to do here? I may have to go to jail because of this, you know," said a familiar voice.

My foggy vision decided to clear. My eyes darted around, but stopped on the face of the kidnapper...

"Adam!?" I shouted out groggily. I heard something slamming distantly. "But why?"

"I couldn't bare seeing you with Chase. Because the truth is-"

"The truth is what? You don't want me to be happy? You want me to be alone and watch everybody else have fun? Well, I'm telling you now, you've ruined your chances of trust, Adam!" I growled. Suddenly, a soft knock clicked against the door to the bedroom I was sitting in. Somebody else was home? "Help!" I called out.

The door creaked open. "Adam, honey? You alright in there?" It was a woman, most likely Adam's mom. Her head turned around the room, until her eyes landed on me in a small computer chair. I looked at my handcuffed hands that lay in front of me, and heard the jingle of the cuffs on my shins.

"Help," I croaked out. The woman screamed and dropped her tray that carried a breakfast-in-bed.

"Adam, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" As she said that, the front door seemed to have slammed open. A small draft of an early November breeze drifted in and tickled my face.

Footsteps slammed against the steps, and a beat-up Chase barged in.

"Kat!?" he yelled, then looked at me. Adam look shocked, his mouth formed in an O shape.

"Mom, I can explain. Please," he started, but his mother shook her head in response.

"I have seen quite enough, son. I'm sorry, but you must pay the consequences." She started dialing 911 on her phone. It was on speaker phone.

"911, what's your emergency?" said a calm lady at the other end of the line.

"My son has kidnapped somebody. Please come immediately," she replied quickly. Adam looked scared out of his mind. I knew he was thinking how could I let this happen? How did this even happen anyways? I could just tell. Maybe it was those weird eyes of mine spinning its gadgets.

In only a few moments time, a hospital emergency truck and a police car rolled into the driveway.

I didn't want to think about anyone. I just wanted to think about how nice it would be to go back to my normal life, hiding in the shadows. I knew excitement would crowd around me after I went back to school, but it would slow down, soon enough.

It was an accident, after all.


On November 8 I got out of the hospital officially. There had been a few times where I had left for an hour at most, but now I went home.

On November 13 it snowed. It had snowed over night, and we had a snow day for school, but I was dismissed from school until the 19 because I needed time to think.

All I did was play on Instagram every day, go on tumblr maybe, or draw.

Drawing was my favorite thing. It lifted huge weights off my shoulders as I let out all of my emotions onto paper. Sometimes it was sad, sometimes it was joyful, but today, it was confused.

I started with a simple question mark. Simple, really; just a squiggle and a period. But then I drew another. And another. Soon it was turning into a dark silhouette of a girl, my age. It was a close up of her face. Snow faded into the background, besides just one snowflake. It stood just in front of her face. She silently stared at it. It was so detailed, almost real.

Then there were the two spaces. Her eyes. Though those could also just complete the little swarm of question marks I had created, I did something better. More interesting.

Her eyes were pure emotion. Mixed feelings. She was angry, sad, confused. But the color. The eyes were pools of white-ish blue-ish, just like the snowflake. They sparkled, almost real. Her figure looked like me.

I knew how my eyes actually looked: they looked like her eyes. Exactly like them. As if we were twins...

I shut the sketchbook and lay down in bed. "Why do bad things happen to me?" I whispered to myself. "Just why?" I felt my eyes swimming around in frustration, threatening to drown and break into tears. But if I let a drop out, it all flows. That's how I get depressed. I didn't want that to happen again.

I decided I would do something to cheer me up. I would go to my small job at a bookstore. Family business, and it was my only other favorite thing to see. I crawled out of bed and slipped on sweatpants and a plain dark purple. It really told people to not play around with me, or I would rip their throat out in their sleep.

The Book Nook, read a large sign hovering above a double doorway. I let a small smile slip out as I walked inside, taking a deep inhale of the smell of warm cookies and hot chocolate. A small bakery peaked out of the corner. I walked through the aisles swiftly, taking out a stack of my favorite books. The Fault In Our Stars, said the label on one. Trapeze by leigh_ , another book called out.

I fluttered through the pages of Trapeze as I made myself a hot chocolate behind the counter, then sat down. A flash of images flew through my mind. The fire thrashed around wildly, plucking out each thread on it's way to mass destruction. Everything burnt to crisps. A middle aged woman lying hopelessly in a hospital bed, Silver, waiting for a miracle.

I let a tear slip out quickly, then blinked back another. I looked around the empty store, then glanced over at the careless kid sitting behind the counter. "So much for a family business. Where's mom and dad?" I grumbled under my breath. My icey eyes glared over in his direction, then I stood.

"May I help you?" he muttered, looking down at a book. "How to Pick up Girls For Dummies". When did we get that? Why did we need that in the bookstore anyways? God, the stupid things my parents order.

"I work here, bud. How about you get your eyes off that book for a second?" He looked up in shock. He had grey stormy eyes and tousled black hair. He was wearing nike sneakers and a dark navy blue shirt, and he was around my age. I smirked. "Newbie, eh? Welcome to the family, I guess." I sat casually up on the counters.

"Yeah, I guess," he said nonchalantly. Then two masculine hands gripped onto my waist, and I was pulled down, next to the boy. "I just washed those counters, come on!" he muttered. I giggled slightly, giving him a sideways glance.

"Oops," I said in a fit of small giggles as he violently rubbed a damp paper towel across the counter.

"Whatever," he grumbled.

"Oh c'mon, I don't even know your name and your getting mad at me? That's not fair."

"Yeah? Well you're not fair," he said. I shot a look at him.

"What is your name, anyways?" I questioned, pushing away the small topic. His face lightened a bit.

"Tyler. Tyler Winchester is my name." I felt my icey eyes relax, turning into a more common color of blue.

"I'm Kat. Welcome to the Newson family, Tyler Winchester."


a/n: hello there! really sorry for the late update and the really short chapter. i promise the next one will be longer and im really going to show the uniqueness of kat. love you beefalo herd! stampede on!

-beefalo ☼

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