I love you (dennor)

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Lukas let out a long sigh as he stared at the sign over him. Reading it to himself mentally 'northern park grave yard'. The skies were a deep cold grey with a mild breeze flowing through the air. He gripped the bouquet of bright red and snow roses tightly to try to calm himself. He made his way into the field of graves and looked for a specific one. Once he found it he smiled very slightly and crouched down. Looking at the name imprinted on it. 'Mathias Køhler'. He stared at the tomb. Remembering how it all happened so fast. The Dane was laughing happily as he lead Lukas down an ally way. Saying it was a short cut back to the house. He remembered the small mob of people come out and demand for the money. Some with guns, other with knives. Once Lukas had lashed out at them. All he could recall was a sound of a gun shot and mathias' body on the floor with blood gushing from it as the people rushed out. After going back to reality he blinked and his eyes started to water. "....Why..." He asked simply as he set the bundle of roses in front of the tomb. "...Why did you take the bullet... Why if we both knew that the bullet was supposed to be for me but you took it instead! Im the one supposed to be rotting six feet under ground, not you!" Lukas lashed out. His eyes pink while tears rained down his cheeks. He took another deep cold breath and closed his eyes. "... I-i never wanted to fall in love you know... But I just couldn't help myself with you..." he gasped out, hiding his face in the palm of his hands. "God... I love you I love you I love you...." he repeated again and again. "...i-i miss you Mathias.... Please come back..."

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