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I was laying in bed with my little sister thinking about today, it was great. I finally had the nerve to tell my mom what I wanted for my birthday, she's been acting weird the past couple of days. I move to my side and think about my three brothers who are paying on the ground, Jeremy will be nine in May! He's such an annoying little thing! I wish he would just stop!! My older brothers Charles and Andrew at the ages of fourteen and sixteen. They are best buds. Makes me wish I was a boy! Or at least was older. My youngest sister is now 6 and she still isn't used to the move, we had moved here last year when I was nine and she was only four. Now that we are here she thinks she can do anything she wants......I wish I was as brave as her....."HOPE!!" My mom yells from the bathroom "coming" I say kinda quite as I rush out the door with a creak! "What is this?" She asks in an angry tone "what is what?" I ask kinda scared as I look in the bathroom, my cloths laying on the floor after I told her I put them in the dirty cloths hamper "PICK THEM UP!!" She yells, I get down and start picking them up and throwing them in the hamper "why did you Lie to me?!!?!!" She yells as I put the last piece of clothing in the hamper "I though I put them in the hamper....in sor...." She slaps me before I get the chance to finish "I'm sorry" I say scared for my life, she starts kicking my legs and slapping my face "IM TIRED OF YOU LYING TO ME HOPE GRACE!!!!" She yells pulling my hair and pushing my against the wall "ouch" I try to out my hands up to block her but she pulls them down "if you pull you're hands up in gonna kill you" she says pulling my hands down hitting me again, I put my hands down and fight back the tears as she rips my hair out of my hair.
Afterwards I run back to my bedroom crying, I shove my face into my pillow and pray I'm dead, my siblings lay there looking at me wondering if I was hurt or not but they don't really care. My whole body hurts so bad. Why did she do this to me? I silently ask God in pain.

The next morning

I wake up to what feels like drool on my pillow, I wipe it off and look at my hand......blood, I look at my pillow and stare at the blood stains as I hold my mouth. I look around and all my siblings have left the room. Without waking me. With a surprise I get up and walk around the bed to my mirror. I look at the gash in my lip and gag at the sight of it. I really don't want to leave my room cause I'm so scared, but I need to go to the bathroom.
I crack the door open and look down the hall, I see my mom in the kitchen making breakfast and Andrew, Charles and Jeramy doing school on the dinning room table. I close the door and take a deep breath trying to hold back the tears, I go to my small dresser and pull out some clean cloths and change to ones that aren't so.....bloody.
I walk out the door covering my mouth pretending like I forgot about last night, but I know I never will. I walk into the bathroom and before I shut the door my mom asks "why are you waking up so late? Sometimes I wish you would just listen to me"
She acts as if nothing happened. I lock the door and grab some stuff to clean the gash and hopefully cover it somehow.
"Hope, breakfast!" I hear Jeremy yell from the kitchen. I look in the mirror and hope nobody notices. I then walk out the door trying to cover it up. But I know I'm failing miserably. I get my breakfast and sit at the counter. I can hardly eat! My lip hurts so bad every time I take a bite it's like someone is ripping the skin off of my lower lip.
I cannot eat! So I hide the full plate and then throw it away, I get my school work and sit at the table, Jeremy, Andrew and Charles look at me in horror "what happened to you're lip?!" They all ask in fright at the same time, I look down at my book trying to hold back the tears. I cannot do this! I am never talking again! Cause if I do. I'll be lying. I pull the book up the my face covering it from my horrible family! I see them out of the corner of my eyes and giving me the snake eyes.  I can read there minds through there judge little eyes. There just saying "what a jerk! Won't even tell me what happened! Uhg" I put the book close to my face to hide the two or three tears that drop out of my eyes and roll down my cheek. Uhg! I cannot cry in front of them! I have to finish school so I can get out of here!!

Later on that day

I sit in the tree trying to hold back tears but failing so badly. Why did my mom do that? "Lord please give me a sigh! Why did she hurt me? I don't understand. Is she really annoyed of my lying? Please help me!" I kinda yell and I cry even harder. The tree I was sitting in I always go to pray, somehow I feel closer to God! But this time....it didn't even feel like he was listening.

That night

I sit on the side chair watching tv with my family, my mom finally starts to talk "well you shouldn't have lied hope" she says, I try so hard not to cry as we all look at her. I cannot even look at her without crying. I stand up and walk kinda fast to one of the guest bedrooms to cry, praying that they don't follow me. I get in the room and shut the door locking it. I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I see nothing but something I hate. This thing in the mirror standing there....staring back at me. I hate it! So much! She's the reason this happened!. Tears streaming down my face as I realize that thing is me. I hate this so much! The problem is that this thing.....is me......

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