I want to be a princess and I'll do any thing to be one

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Authers note: HI ppl this is my first story so plzzz tell me if it good or not. I got the idea by daydreaming so it might be a little off. So I guess I'll start.


I could see it my life perfect marrying my dream guy;the prince. I saw him and I running through a field of roses.I would do anything to get the prince scince I always got wat I wanted. I imagined him planting a kiss on me.I giggled while twisting my long brown locks in circles visously.The giggle came out loud and cute. "Is there somthing funny Ms.Bentings" A stern voice said. I looked up suprised to see mr. Railing in front of me. "Oh umm n-nothing"I said studdering. "Pay attenion Georgia.I know you don't want to fail."Mr. Railing said again. After that I paid a little attenion,but was mostly thinking of the prince. When the bell rang i jumped. I had been so caught up in the prince I didn't think about the time. I gatherd my books and headed to my locker. I put my stuff down and grabbed my book bag when Keira,Nelly,Kat,Calvin,and Zeke came up to me. We had a clique or wat some people call a possy. We were know as the popular kids with money.We were every desinger item they have and we would get the stuff before it even came out.we weren't snoty or anything we still made friends with the other kids it's just we perferred to be together. "ready to

go?" Zeke asked. "Ya.I'm ready"I said excitedly. "Zekes parents just got him a new converitble were going to take it for a spin."Kat said . She looked so excided like her head was going to blow. We all

walked out to see his shiny new black convo. Everyone gasped in amazement.


So how did u think the first chap was i'll post more later tomorrow ppl I knw it's short but 1.I'm on my Ipod touch can't so much on it.2.it's 10:56 I really need to go to bed 3. I don't know :(

I have a question I know every one has

V. Wat is the meaning of life????????????????

Someone plzz tell me k gtg bye ppl

I want to be a princess and I'll do anything to be oneWhere stories live. Discover now