The Light

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It's dark, and although I can't feel myself moving, I seem to be. To where? I don't know. All I see is a bright light at the end of this long, dark tunnel that I seem to have been moving through for an eternity. It has taken me years to get where I am, yet I still have many miles left until I get to the light. Maybe if I turn around I can still make it back to where I came from. It would help just the tiniest bit if I actually remembered where I came from. I feel like I know but I just can't remember. But either way, I can feel it in my very bones that I've just come way too far to turn back now.

I wonder, what's on the other side of the light? I hope it's something I've always wanted, the life I've always wanted the world to see. People that don't ignore, neglect, or bully other people. but obviously that's too good to be true, so why bother hoping for something that won't happen, right? Well, who knows the answer to that?

I hope that when I reach this light it shows me that I have accomplished something. Otherwise, I may not care at all about what's behind the light. But like I said, I've come just about too far to turn back. What does the light stand for, I wonder? Could it be the end of everything, as most people may think, or is it the beginning of something completely new?

That question has so many different answers and viewpoints, but I personally hope that it is the latter. I know my instinct could be wrong, that I am about to discover something new. It could just be wishful thinking, of that I'm sure, but it still makes me wonder.

What is on the other side of the light???

~~Authors note~~

How did this make you feel? Answer honestly because I want to know if this left the effect I wanted it too.

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Your Author,

Maryjane ^_^

Edited by: DamonSalatore4EVA, Abigail Lerma Diaz (;

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