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Somewhere in Tokyo, in one summer night three figures walk
along at the river side. One teenage girl and two kids, a boy
and a girl. They walk together while holding hands, with the
oldest girl walking in the middle of the two kids. The three of
them walk slowly while sing along some kids song.
Sometimes the oldest one will sing some idol song, just to
see her little sister copying some move from the dance. The
little girl move her body and her left hand along her big sister
who currently sing Girl’s Rule. Their sing along time being
interrupted by a loud growl sound coming from the boy’s
“Kaachan… I’m hungry.” Said the boy, tugging her oldest
sister hand.
“Un, Hana-chan too. Hana-chan want to eat omurice.” Said
Hana-chan with her sparkling eyes.
“Yeah, me too. But don’t put the peas in it. I hate peas the
“But you have to eat vegetables Kouki-kun. Don’t you want
to be strong like Kamen Raider?” Said Kaachan.
“But… the peas taste and smells weird.” Said Kouki-kun,
grimacing his face.
“But Kamen Raider likes it, he eats peas everyday and
become strong.”
“Hontou ni? Kamen Raider eats that everyday?”
“Of course it’s true, he eats it everyday. He said, after eat the
peas he become stronger.”
“But, how come Kaachan know about that. Did you meet
Kamen Raider at market?”
“Ah! That’s true, yesterday I met Kamen Raider at market. He
bought so many peas, and tell me that He eats peas
everyday.” Said Kaachan, giving her brother her usual angelic
“How about Jibanyan, he also like peas too?” Asked Hana-
chan, tugging her sister hand.
“Well Jibanyan also like peas, he wants all his friend to eat
peas too.”
“Then, Hana-chan will also eat peas like Jibanyan.”
“Me too, I want become strong like Kamen Raider.” Said
Kouki-kun, pumping up his fist.

The three of them then walk faster to their home while
humming some song together. However right after humming
two songs, five men suddenly appear in front of them. One of
the biggest man, who seems to be their boss step forward to
the oldest girl.
“Oiii!! Fukagawa. Where is our monthly share?” Yelled the
boss, knuckling his fingers.
“But I already paid the share for this month.” Said Kaachan,
pushing back her siblings behind her back.
“Then give us, your next month share.” Yelled the boss,
pushing Kaachan’s shoulder.
“I can’t give it now, and beside it’s barely mid month.”
“Baka onna!!! I don’t care about it, give us our share now. Or
“Or else what?” Asked Kaachan, trying hard to hold both her
siblings behind her back.
“Or else, we’re gonna take you along as the payment for your
parents debt.” Said the boss, grabbing Kaachan’s chin.
“Now choose one, give us your money or give us your body?”
Smirked the boss, pulling Kaachan’s face closer.
“Neither of them.” Said Kaachan, pulling her face away.
“Hahahahahaha… Is that so? Then don’t blame us for this.”
Yelled the boss, while nodding his head to his men.
Just then the four men quickly surrounded them, two of them
trying to pull Hana-chan and Kouki-kun. While the other two
pulling Kaachan towards their boss. Kaachan trying to
scream as loud as possible before being muffled down by the
“SHUUUSSSHH… No one gonna hear you now, and no one
gonna help you and your siblings from us. Now, I give you
one last chance. Give us your money or I’m gonna take you to
our brothel now and sell your siblings along. “ Said the boss
grabbing Kaachan by her hair, while her other hand trying to
open Kaachan’s uniform.
Just when the boss finish open the second button of
Kaachan’s uniform. One of his man, the one who holding
Hana-chan screaming in pain, before going down
unconscious. No one aware that near his body a slightly torn
softball can be found.
“What the hell is going on? Oii!!! You go check it.” Said the
boss ordering one of the man that holding Kaachan.
Oiii!!! Whose there? Show us your self” Yelled the man
passing his unconscious friend body.
After walking quite far from his gang, he yell again than
waiting for an answer,but there’s no sound can be heard. The
man then turning his head to his boss.
“There’s nobody here boss, not even a stray cat.” Said him,
slowly walking back to his boss, when suddenly he too
scream in pain then going down unconscious.
“Oiii!!! Ryouta what’s wrong with you?!” Yelled one of the
man that holding Hana-chan and Kouki-kun.
“Hey, you two go check Ryouta there, and make sure to beat
whoever they are.” Ordered the boss, now grabbing Hana-
chan and hold her tight.
“Let her go!!!” Yelled Kaachan, trying to pull Hana-chan from
the boss, before being pushed down by him.
“Urusai!!! Now shut up, or I’m gonna break her neck.” Yelled
the boss, tightening his hold around Hana-chan neck. He
then nodding his head towards his two men.
The two men then walking to Ryouta, one of them notice
there’s something on the road then crouch down his body.
He take the thing, that turn out to be a torn out softball.
“A softball? Oii, Ryuji I found a softball near Ryouta’s body
here.” Yelled the man to Ryuji who still walking towards the
end of the street.
The said Ryuji while turning his head, yelled back, “What a
softball? Why the hell there’s a softball there?” Then
suddenly, he too like his other two friends screams in pain
and laying down unconscious.
“Shit!!! Oii!! Ryuji what’s wrong with you?” Yelled the man
who now standing next Ryuji’s unconscious body.
“Who the hell are you? Show me your face now! I’m gonna
kick your ass.” Yelled the man, still holding the softball
behind his back.
Then suddenly at the end of the street, he can see a tall figure
wearing a cap while holding a softball bat. The tall figure then
walk slowly towards the man, trailing behind the bat making
some eery sound in the night.
“Yeah, come here you bastard. I’m gonna beat you up.” Said
the man, tightening his hold on the ball behind his back.
The said figure walk closer, now the man can see their short
hair. He also can see their cap, a big “B” written on it. Then
suddenly the man start running towards the figure, shocking
the tall figure.
“Take this, you bastard!!!” Yelled the man, throwing the ball
hard towards the figure. Trying to knock down the figure by
the ball.
“Huh… Baka.” Said the figure finally, the tall figure then swing
their bat. Hit the thrown ball easily towards the man face. The
ball then fly back towards the man, knock him hard on his
face making him falls backward.
“Why the hell you throw a ball towards someone who have a
bat in hand? Baka…”Said the tall figure, walking pass the
man’s body.
Meanwhile, the boss can only saw that his two men, being
knocked down by a tall figure. He also can’t hear anything
from the scene. He waits for the figure walk closer, so he can
beat them. As they face each other, he can see a bat in their
hand. But he still can’t see the figure face because the lack of
the lights.
“Put down your bat now or else, I’m gonna break this kid’s
neck.” Threatened the boss, ignoring Kaachan and his brother
scream for mercy. He tighten his hold, making Hana-chan
crying in fear and pain.
The tall figure then put down their bat, and said “Now release
that kid.”
“Okay, but first you must kneel down, then I’m gonna beat
you first before them.” Said the boss, walking closer to the tall
figure who now kneeling. The boss then kick the bat away
from them. He then start to punch their face, after several
punch the tall figure’s cap falls down. The boss then finally
realizing that the tall figure is a teenage girl.
“Hahahahaha… You’re a girl huh? What a surprise. Now I’m
gonna teach you how a girl should act.” Said the boss,
walking away to take the bat.
When the boss walk away from the girl, Kaachan can finally
see the girl face. It turns out to be one of her softball
Wincing in pain, the girl try her best to stand up. She can see
the boss’ back while picking up the bat. Not gonna miss the
opportunity, the girl then pull out her last softball from her
back pocket. She then throw it with her last power to the boss
head, the ball knock his head hard. Making him fall with his
face first.
After saw the scene, Kaachan then stand up and walking
towards her friend who also fall down with her siblings in
“Marukyuu, are you okay?” Asked Kaachan, she then sit next
Marukyuu while softly holding Marukyuu face to check the
“I’m okay, just worn out after all this thing. What about you
and your siblings, are you guys okay?” Said Marukyuu, softly
put down Kaachan’s hand on her face.
“We’re okay, you’re the one who get the bruise here. Let’s go
to my house, so I can treat your bruise.” Said Kaachan,
helping Marukyuu to stand up.
“Wait a minute, I need to take back my bat.” Said Marukyuu,
walking towards the boss body.
Then while crouching down to pick her bat, Marukyuu notice
the boss is half awake. She then squat down near the boss
ear whispering something in his ear. The boss lightly nodded
his head in fear.
“If you ever do this again to them, I’m gonna find you, and
make you feel the wrath of Hashimoto clan.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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