it's going down

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{this is the story of Edward Mordrake the guy i mentioned in my second to last chapter, i recommend listening to gods and monsters preformed by Jessica lange after listening to this, the series is called American Horror Story Freakshow, it is a great series, Edward Mordrake is my favorite character}

Emily texted Dirk as fast as she could when she was sure Mossi was gone. "dude! mossi is after you and and that cop guy and he is mad as ever, im talking about steam coming from his ears, hide in a safe place now!"  Emily typed out on her phone. Dirk then heard the text and looked down and read it "what the.." Dirk said to herself as she typed back. Emily then got a reply "what?! you can't be serious right now, okay i'll hide in a safe place but you got to get out of their!"  Dirk typed. Emily got the message and thought to herself for a moment 'can i really leave him..'  she thought. Emily shook her head and replied. "no, i can't explain right now but i can't leave him, you have to trust me on this, just make sure you get to a safe spot, and hide until Mossi cools down.. or until i can contain him, i'll text you when it's safe.."  Emily typed. Dirk saw the text and growled a bit 'i hate you sometimes..'  Dirk thought to herself and typed back. "fine.." "looks like where on our own cop boy.." Dirk said. "what do you mean?" Ryan asked. "where going to have to hide from king di**head.. until he cools down.." Dirk said. "okay i like that plan, lets do it.." Ryan said smiling a bit. "oh you wont like it when we have to run from a rabid dog.." Dirk said. "what do you mean?" Ryan asked. "oh i just mean run from Mossi.." Dirk said. "okay then, well where should we hide?" Ryan asked. "does he know where you live?" Dirk asked. "no wh- oh i get it.. okay i guess we can hide out at my place.." Ryan said. "good, lead the way.." Dirk said. "alright then.." Ryan said leading the way. Meanwhile Emily was trying to think of a way that she could cool Mossi down. "hey Mossi instead of thinking about killing all the time, how about we play videogames together? Emily asked. "maybe later.." Mossi said getting out his gun and knife. "okay then how about you work out?" Emily said. "i already did, can't you tell?"  Mossi asked. Emily didn't want to start more trouble then their already was so she just nodded and said "oh right.." "look, i'll do this stuff later, right now i got two cops to kill.." Mossi said ready to walk out. "wait Mossi!" Emily said thinking fast. "what?" Mossi said in a irritated tone. "if you don't kill them, i'll become one of your gang members.." Emily said thinking of it as a last resort tactic. "ohh really now? hmm.. you got yourself a deal, but don't expect me to not do what i usually do with my gang already.. if they disobey, bones get broken.." Mossi said in a sinister tone. "u-understood mossi.." Emily said. She began to think back to the days she had a clan to call her own, the days Kano and Kobra where still alive. 'maybe this won't be such a bad thing, maybe i can form a bond with these guys, a bond that i once had to my clan mates..' Emily thought to herself. 'i think your starting to fit in, good for you mate, you'll do just fine here..' Emily got a flashback of Kano and thought to herself 'The bond we had can never be replaced though, goodbye Kano, Kobra..' Emily thought walking off to her room.

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