Chapter 8

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Helen was up early. The sun wasn't up yet and a nice layer of snow covered the ground. Helen peered excitedly outside. Today was the Winter Solstice. She was getting together with her friends to celebrate. She had no idea what to expect. They were Gods and this was the first year she wouldn't spend at the ancestral standing stones that took up proud residence on her family land.

Helen was dressed and waiting on the porch when three vehicles pulled up in front of the house. Helen walked across the snow covered yard to meet them. Helen slid into the open Explorer door and grinned at Zeus who was driving.

Excited chatter filled the vehicle as they drove to the lake. Helen was excited and she couldn't help but giggle and laugh with the others. Hera sat next to her and told her funny stories about Zeus. Hermes, Hades, and Persephone laughed and chatted about rumors the ancients had spread about themselves.

The frozen lake finally came into view. It was beautiful with its dusting of snow. Zeus drove clear around the lake till they got to the one area that was good for camping. Everyone piled out of the vehicles. As Helen stumbled from the Explorer she was surprised to see a dark beautiful woman standing there watching them. Helen swore that she wasn't there a minute ago. Zeus and Hera walked up to the woman. The woman inclined her cloaked head to the two Gods.

"I'm glad you could make it Hecate."

A dark and beautiful smile broke across Hecate's face. "I am glad you invited me."

Hera's smile was just as warm as Hecate's. "Magic is rampant at this time of year. We wouldn't even think of excluding you."

"Besides we've learned from past mistakes," Zeus commented.

Hecate narrowed her eyes slightly at his words. Hecate's eyes snapped to Helen as Helen unconsciously moved. Curiosity brightened Hecate's eyes. Her eyes seemed to follow something only she could see as they moved around Helen

"Her colors are interesting."

"I know. The girls and I thought they reminded us of Scotland and the Mediterranean Sea."

Hecate pondered Hera's words. "I've seen those colors before. Many long years ago."

"They belong to her soul mate."

Four heads turned to look at the young woman who spoke. She grinned sweetly at them. A handsome young man stood beside her studying Helen.

"Do you know who her soul mate is Psyche?"

Psyche shook her long chestnut colored hair. "No Hecate I don't. I can only tell when two people meet if they are meant to be soul mates."


Eros shook his head at Zeus's question. "I haven't seen anyone with colors like hers."

"Hmmm," Hecate fingered the wand she carried. "I'll have to search my mind for the man I'm thinking of."

Hecate shook herself and looked to the sky. "It's time. Gather round my children. Let Night embrace us as we prepare to celebrate the solstice."

Helen had never been part of such a simple yet spectacular ritual before. Magic was tangible and Helen could feel it brush against her skin. Helen let her instinct guide her as the followed her friends in the ritual. Later when Helen thought back on the ritual all she would remember was how magical and dreamlike it had been.

At the end of the ritual wine was passed around. Helen took a gulp of hers and coughed. Apollo patted her on the back. Helen got her breath before she peered warily into her cup.

"This tastes weird."

Artemis giggled at Helen as she plopped down in her brother's lap where he sat on a rock. She dropped an arm around Apollo's shoulders. Artemis smacked Apollo on the head as he tickled her in the ribs. Apollo glared at Artemis who stuck her tongue out at him.

"It's Nectar."

Helen's eyes went wide as she looked in shock at the twins. "But I'm not a God!"

"You don't have to be," Hecate said as she joined them. "If you look to the myths several tell of how we would invite mortals to Mount Olympus to dine with us."

Helen frowned. "I thought any mortal would die if they ate or drank your food."

A dark, but serene smile crossed Hecate's face. "Only if we wished it. You are destined to be with us."

"Have you remembered the man yet? Artemis queried.

Hecate frowned. "No. Give me till the next full moon. I might remember better in one of my other stages.

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