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We were nothing known but as star-crossed lovers, he  was a Noah and I was an Exorcist. Falling for the enemy was horrible  but the feelings inside my chest couldn't be stopped and he the same. We  started to meet up behind the backs of our comrades.

He didn't  treat me like some enemy he treated me like someone he truly cared for  and loved, no doubt the two of us were in deep love for one another. But  the fact is one of our comrades from each side noticed we were gone  more often then we should've and things went down hill from there.

Deciding  to run away we left our friends behind and ran off hand in hand hoping  for a safe place to hide for the night, but our wishes and dreams were  nothing much but what we hopped them to be. Cause they never came  true...we were hunted down and badly wounded in the end.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)...I couldn't give us....a bright future." Nea whispered.
"It's okay...I don't mind...long as I'm with you until the end....I don't mind." You whispered back.
"I love you..." He whispered before dying.
"I love you too..." You sobbed and not long after passed away as well.

Waking  up you noticed you were still in your room from the inn that you and  Kanda and many others were staying at for the time being since today  would be the day you were to move to a different HQ.

Feeling  tears were rolling down your cheeks as you sat up you rubbed them away  and decided to take a shower and brush your teeth before going to go see  if Kanda was awake.

When all that was done you got ready and  then grabbed your sword, soon walking out of the room you walked towards  Kanda's though the dream you just had felt so real that your heart  started to hurt slightly. And that wasn't even the last of it..when you  passed by Allen once again a familiar feeling grew within you and it was  rather odd.

Shaking it off you let him be to hang with Lenalee and knocked on Kanda's room door.

"Yuu? Are you awake?" You sighed.
"Yeah be out in a minute." He said through the door.
"Well hurry up we got a mission first before we return to the new HQ" You told him.

Like  he said minutes after he stepped out and was ready to leave, walking  along side him though the male knew right then and there that something  was off about you.

"Whats wrong onna?" He asked.
"I had the dream gets more and more clear ever since I got closer to Allen..." You mumbled.
"Che! What the hell do you see in that moyashi?" Kanda asked.

He  was aware of your crush on the young boy but he just didn't know why,  then again you didn't know much yourself all you knew was that your past  life-self was the lover of a Noah and it was the fourteenth's lover at  that. At this moment you haven't seen the 'Noah' side of Allen as of yet  so you weren't really sure why Allen was so familiar to you and how you  felt like you were able to be more like yourself around him.

Then again with the turn of events happening things were gonna go down a way that you were never expecting at all.

||A/N:  Ahh I got this idea from watching episode 6 of DGM Hallow!! e.e I just  though this might be a better way to start off my new story since I  wanna catch readers. Now for chapter one I'm not sure when I'll make  that but it should be either later today or tomorrow if I feel up for  it. And yes it will follow the anime so bare with me on this (though I  will put my own idea's in this as well.)||

Star-Crossed Lovers - Allen/Nea x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now