Chapter 2

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The day started off as a rainy day, people decided to spend the time  indoors to avoid getting wet but others who had things to do for the  time being did their best to quickly get things done. Back at one of the  rooms two guards who were suppose to stand guard were asleep at the  door.

"Wha the hell?! We fell asleep?!" One yelled.
"General! General Cross..may I come in sir?...General Cross? I'm opening the door now okay."
"General are you still in here?"

Looking  more into the room the one guard noctied that indeed he was inside but  what he saw wasn't something he had seemed to hope for, Cross was bent  over slightly as if he was asleep but the blood splatter that was behind  his head proved that theory wrong.

He wasn't asleep by the  window....Gernal Cross seemed to have been dead. But the question was  from what? Or to be more honest...from who?

"D-Did he escape?" The other asked.
"Get the Drector.."
"Get Drector Lvellie right now!"

One  of the guards ran off to do just that, but soon as the guy started to  run off glass was heard breaking inside the room. Since the one guard  was the single guy there to hear it he pulled out a gun and kicked the  door open.
Only to find that Cross's body had been taken, what was  left behind is his mask and gun along with the large amount of blood  that had been left behind as well.


Timcampy suddenly  flew off from Allen and headed towards the direction of where Cross had  been last, Allen wondered where he was going and had decided to follow  after.

Meanwhile Komui had been just arriving to the room to take  a look at the place, when he arrived Lvellie was already there with the  guard giving a salute. Komui kneeled down and reached towards the mask  covered in blood. Only then did Timcampy stop him from doing so.

But  that was when Komui turned around and noticed Allen was at the door,  widening his eyes he knew that soon Allen would have to know who's blood  this was.

"Tim flew in here so I that..blood? Who's blood?" Allen spoke.

Though  when Komui turned around for Allen to see his eyes widen even more, his  masters? couldn't be. But if the mask was there proving him  that it was indeed Cross's blood...what had happened?

You on the  other had stood by the wall just down the hall, you followed him when  you were on your way to get some tea to at least try to relax a bit  more. Sighing you crossed your arms and walked down the hall back to  where Kanda had been waiting for you.

'Who killed Cross? Whoever it was sure knows how to dissapear rather quickly...' You thought.


It  was cold outside the point proving when breaths were taken you could  see it, Allen was on the roof along side Timcampy and Link right about  now he was listening to the recording voice of Cross that he seemed to  have left behind for him.

'So Allen, I've already told Tim to do  whatever he pleases while in your care. I know you must be reluctant  that now you found out I had been following the wishes of the fourteenth  all this time, But if you think that your suppose to walk a certain  path because of us well you need to know your mistaken. A path forms  behind you as you walk, the soil leaves a compress of a path you chosen.  You are the only one who can create your own path, Allen. So trust me  here, you need to stop wearing Mana's mask, you must chose your own  path...if you haven't given up that is.' Cross's voice comes through the  recording.

Allen sighed then started to pull at Timcampy complaining that the amount of times he heard the recording.
"Every time I listen to it, it feels like hes telling me his will...makes me mad." Allen told.
"Are you sure it's not?" Link asked.
"Its just...completely unlike him to do this!" Allen replied.
'So he's the fourteenth huh?' Link thought taking a side glance at Allen.

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