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A/N: hello so I decided to try and make something a little bit different. In this story there probably won't be any relationships unless I decide to later on and if there is it will most likely still be a gay on (sorry that's just me ;P) [also it's started in a different point of view than the main character for this part]

           Every day I wake up and a new door stands in front of men. But, you see, these doors don't lead to the same place every time. One leads to a kingdom of old filled with mythical beasts and magic, another leads to icy fields with roads stringing out to each small town, and many more. These lands are alternate realities that I have no control over. I meet new people each day, making friends and enemies. I have never once been able to go to the same door twice. I wonder where this one will take me.

           I stand up from my bed and look around my room. It's empty with only a small closet against the wall left of my bed and a window on the right.

           After so long going through this I've tried many ways to break out of this small room. The window is unbreakable and can't be smashed with any means I have. I've tried breaking the door but that does no good because it just goes through into whatever reality it is that time, and the people there get mad at you for breaking it. I've also tried smashing the walls, but that does as much damage as hitting the window. The last thing I tried that I could think of was killing myself, that didn't work becuase every time I did it, which was about nine or ten, I would always wake back up in the same bed with a new door. I've gone through hundreds of doors and a hundred more days staying in the room.

           In the closet is a set of clothes for the world that is behind the door. This time it's a flannel shirt with a white tank top to go underneath, a pair of shorts that stopped half-way down my thighs, and knee high boots with some white socks that couldn't be seen. The outfit looked pretty good on me but I was too hungry to care much, and starvation wasn't fun and doesn't work.

           I open up the wooden door into a small bar that's built with logs and moss to fill in the creases. I walk over to the front counter and a large woman there dramatically turns around, her wild red hair flying everywhere. "What can I get for you darling?" she said with a thick accent, but I couldn't place where from. Before I could say anything my stomach spoke out for me, the red haired woman raised an eyebrow and smirked before asking me what I wanted, which was just a normal breakfast. I was half way through my toast before she spoke up. "So, we normally don't have people in here this early in the mornin'. When you walked through the door I was kinda confused." She paused for a little bit to see if I was going to speak; when I didn't she continued, "so, what's your story?" She bent down and rested her elbows on the counter with her head in her palms. I ate the last bite of my breakfast before I spoke. "Well, you see, I'm stuck in a room that I can't get out of that only has a door leading to alternate realities that have no rhyme or reason to where I go, and I never go to the same place twice." I took a drink of my apple juice and looked at the woman's reaction. I didn't bother making anything up, it was too much of a hassel.

            "Huh," she stopped to think for a moment, "a small room you say," she tipped her head back down to me before talking again, "ya'know, you're the second person today that's given me that story."

           "What?! Who are they? Where are they?" I stood from my seat ready to burst out the door. Could this really be happening?

           "Honey, honey, calm down. She came in earlier today and left right before you came in, said she was looking for someone but I don't know which way she went" the woman shrugged.

           "Thank you, thank you so much!" I left money for the meal, which the room left for me, then ran out the door, just to run right back in. "What did she look like?" I blurted out in a hurry.

           "Well, she had blonde hair with bright blue eyes and was 'bout as tall as you. Said her name was Sarah."

           "Thank you again," I said running through the wooden door again. I stop to take a quick look at my surroundings before moving forward; this time it wasn't the bedroom it was a city looking area that was very differently modeled from the bar. The bar, which was called Old Timer, looked like it was made more than 50 years before the town. In the town they had electricity, but horse drawn carriages was the transportation. This reality looked more like it was old time London and there wasn't anything off other than the time change, and the clothes I was wearing didn't match at all with the settings around me, I wonder why the room gave me these clothes.

          I started by heading left after leaving the Old Timer bar. As I walked I asked people of they had seen or talked to the Sarah girl. I didn't have any luck and was about to give up when I asked a girl walking fast in the direction of everyone else. "Hello, miss, may I please have a moment of your time?" I asked hoping for a chance that she had information.

           "I am in quite a hurry, but if you can keep up ask me anything," she answered, but she didn't have the same English accent as the rest of the people.

           "Well, I'm looking for a girl: blonde hair, blue eyes, her name is Sarah. Have you seen anyone like her?" She stopped and I ran my nose right into the back of her head, not expecting her to stop. I put my hand up to my nose to make sure I wasn't bleeding but she already grabbed both my hands and pulled me closer to her. She was looking deep into my eyes and I was feeling extremely uncomfortable. "Are you the girl that's trapped in the room with the doors?" Her nose was almost touching mine while I was doing my best to back away.

           "How would you know that?" I questioned.

           "Because I'm like you!" Sh smiled back, wide eyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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