1- A Graduation

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“And now, ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you the class of 2013!”

The crowd went wild, including all of the graduates that were surrounding me in our long red graduation gowns. In that moment, every one of us threw our caps into the air with huge grins on our faces. This was it. The end of our high school life but the beginning of everything else. Not to mention the fact that I never had to endure another hour of calculus ever. That was mainly what I was celebrating.

The first thing I did after I caught my hat is search the other celebrating graduates for my best friend. Both of our last names started with B, so were really close to each other

“Baker!” I shrilled down the row as I excitedly pushed through the dancing and cheering people. When I got to my brunette friend, she grinned even wider and then jumped into my arms as I did the same.

“Oh, my gosh, Lanie!” She squealed, jumping up and down. “We did it!”

“We did!” I agreed with her with a small giggle.

We held hands and squealed a little longer before we went towards the back of the rows to find our third friend, whose last name is Washington, so she was at the back since we were put in alphabetical order in the seats.

 When we got to her, though, she was already happily making out with her boyfriend, whose last name is White so they were already sitting relatively close to each other.

“Let’s just leave them to it,” Baker giggled, pulling me in the direction of Erin, who was in the middle of the rows, with her last name being Madison.

“You’d think they could wait just one more day,” I laughed.

Baker scoffed. “Do you honestly think that we’ll let them make out all the time while we’re just a few feet away? They better get all of their hormones out now before we’re stuck on The Bus with them.”

“Are you talking about Gory?” Erin wondered, overhearing just the last part of Baker’s statement. That’s what we called Grace and Cory, Gory. We loved Cory, because he was a lot better than Grace’s other boyfriends, but it was just so fun to tease them, because their names together make Gory. I mean, it could be Crace too, but Gory is way funnier.

“Yeah,” Baker nodded. “They’re getting all hot and heavy back there.”

“Of course they are,” Erin laughed. “They’re impossibly horny like, all of the time.”

“This is true,” I agreed with a nod. “But they’re pretty cute. You know, when they’re not all hot and heavy.”

“Right,” They both agreed simultaneously.

“Okay, well I need to see my mom before she comes over here,” Baker informed us. I didn’t doubt that her mom would actually come over here, pushing her way through the graduates to find her daughter because, as much as I loved Mrs. Baker, she could be a bit crazy sometimes.

“Yeah, we all need to go see our overly excited families,” Erin nodded in agreement. “We will all meet back up at Lanie’s house tomorrow.”

“Yes,” I agreed. “At noon exactly.”

“Exactly,” Both Erin and Baker giggled, teasing my excitement for our meeting up tomorrow. They knew that they’d get hell from me for showing up just ten minutes late for our trip.

We said our goodbyes and then I turned away from them to go find my parents and my brothers. Well, I didn’t know if my brothers would be there because they didn’t live at home and they already mailed me my graduation money.

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