7- A Challenge

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“Finally! I finally got you!” I was woken up the next morning by Ross shouting that in my ear.

I opened my eyes in confusion just to see a phone snapping pictures towards me. I didn’t know why Ross was taking pictures of me or why he was so excited about it, but when I realized that I was curled up in somebody’s arms, I could piece together that he was getting revenge on me for catching him snuggling with Turner that first night.

“Shut up,” I groaned tiredly because I still wanted to sleep and he wasn’t making that very possible for me.

“Suit yourself,” He sang before walking away.

I tried to go back to sleep after Ross was gone, but I was already awake and just couldn’t find it in myself to go back to sleep. With a loud moan of defeat, I sat up in the small bed and saw that the person I was cuddling with was Kenton. I mean, that made sense, since we slept in the same bed last night, so I just brushed away my soft blush and swiped my hair up into a messy bun so that it wasn’t in my face.

“Good morning, sunshine,” Erin sang as I joined everyone else at the front of the bus, which I guess is where everyone hung out in the mornings.

“Morning,” I yawned.

“You and Kenton looked pretty cozy back there,” Rosa giggled.

I shrugged softly. “It happens. Let’s stop by McDonald’s for breakfast today.”

“I second that,” Sydney chirped.

And so we found the closest McDonald’s and luckily, it was one of those pit stop kind of places, so they had those super long parking spaces that semi-trucks were supposed to park in, and we parked the bus there so that we could go in and eat.

“Kenton and Baker still aren’t awake,” Logan pointed out as everyone was filing off of the bus.

“I’ll get them,” I sighed, staying behind everyone else.

I walked to the back and saw that Baker was basically dead in the back bed and Kenton was still lying on his side and it didn’t look like he’d moved since I’d left the bed about half an hour earlier. I decided to wake Kenton up first, since he’d definitely be easier than Baker to wake up.

I bent down beside him and gripped his muscly shoulder in my hand and then shook a few times. “Kenton,” I said loudly, but he didn’t budge. I shook a little bit harder and then yelled a lot louder in his ear, “Kenton!”

That got him awake a little bit, so he opened his eyes only partially so that I could see him a little bit and when his eyes laid on me, he started to sit up a little bit and then he let out a cute little yawn.

“Hmm?” He wondered groggily.

“We’re at McDonald’s,” I informed him in a soft voice as to not aggravate him, because I knew how annoying it was when somebody spoke really loudly to me when I was just waking up. “Do you want me to get you anything?”

“Oh, um, I’ll go,” He grumbled in his tired voice (which was probably the sexiest things I’d ever heard), “Is everybody else already in there?”

I nodded. “Yeah, well if you want to go then you can go ahead, I still have to wake up Baker,” I informed him before looking over at Baker snoring like a dead log that snores and decided that it was going to be way too impossible to wake her up. “Actually, no I’m not, let’s go.”

He laughed and then followed me off of the bus after slipping on a pair of shoes that were tucked below the seat of the bus that he was sleeping on. I knew what Baker would want anyway, so I’d just get her something to eat for when she actually did decide to join the world again.

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