Celestial Knight Alternate End (fanfic)

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She traced her eyes down to Courtney's clutched fingers. There, the necklace was in her palm. Valeriana brought up her hand around her neck and frantically searched the necklace as if making sure she was just seeing an illusion.

It wasn't.

Corvan was the first to react. "God dammit! This isn't happening!" He violently shoved Courtney away from Valeriana and grasping the necklace. He quickly shoved the Queen's item into her cold and clammy palms, but it was too late. Valeriana's eyes were already cold and dead, the color of her golden hair and brilliant blue eyes drained of color, they turned stone grey, so did the rest of her body within seconds.

The necklace slipped out of her hands, as she started to become stiff as a statue, and to look like one as well.

"H-hey, this isn't funny, you stupid witch... wear the necklace already you dolt. HEY, CAN YOU HEAR ME? MOVE VALERIANA, DAMMIT. MOVE." his vision became blurry; tears kept streaming down his perfect complexion. "YOU CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS. YOU CAN'T DIE THAT EASILY. AREN'T YOU GOING TO GRADUATE FROM THE GODDAMNED SCHOOL OR WHAT?" his voice faltered, his voice softens, but nothing will change, and nothing will happen.

"C'mon, Valeriana....Please speak to me." he said in a quiet voice of a tired old man.

And like that, she turned to ashes.



(I'm surrounded by absolute oblivion.)

Hello, child.

Who's there? Are you here to take my soul or something?

No. I am not God. Nor am I the Devil.

Then who are you? What do you want with me?

Nothing. I only offer you a second chance.

Second chance to what?


(The words echoed all over the Darkness.)

Will you take it?

If I accept, what will I have to do for you?

Absolutely nothing. Just live.

(I was about to answer him, but, suddenly his voice boomed inside my darkness.)

Beware my child, another chance at Life has a heavy price. Are you willing to take it? Or will you become part of this Darkness, with me for all of eternity?

(I think carefully at this offer. Now, I have my answer.)

I'll take it.

Then take it child! Take my Life!


Valeriana gasped. She sat up quickly and looked around her. Her pulse quickened... What pulse? Valeriana placed her hand on top of her heart and felt no warmth, no rhythmic beating, or a swelling pain in her chest.

She scrambled to a nearby puddle a few yards close to her and with the light of the moon, she loomed over the clear water source to see herself. She choked back a sob and stared at the monster that she had become.

Her hair was the color of obsidian black. Both of Valeriana's once beautiful blue eyes, were now entirely pitch black. And what stuck out the most was the razor sharp teeth sat in rows inside her mouth, as her crimson red forked tongue shot out of her mouth and felt her teeth.

There was a price to pay for a second chance to life, the voice once said to her.

Valeriana became a demon.

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