I want a place where I can just........ Escape.
Escape from all the pressures of today.
All of the problems that I have to face.
All of the tragedies.
A place where I can just let myself free.
A place where I don't have to hide behind a smile or laugh.
And just cry.
And cry.
And cry.
And not have to worry about anyone seeing.
Or worry about teasing.
Just be myself for once, and shed this mask of "Happiness".
Because I'm at my limit.
I can't always be someones support beam.
I'll crack.
I'll splinter.
Carrying too much weight, I'll break.
So I'll just run.
And run.
And run.
Until I reach that place.
That place with no mistakes.
My Wonderland.
And when I come back,
If I come back,
I'll give you the map to the perfect wonderland.
My perfect Wonderland.
And you can escape with me, too.