Chapter 1

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A very familiar feeling filled you. Determination. It had been five months since the monsters had returned to the surface, and Christmas was in just three weeks. Already there were decorations going up around the neighborhoods, lights twinkling from trees and wreaths hung up on doors. People were flooding the stores looking for gifts for their family and friends. You weren't one of them.

The idea had come to you so suddenly that morning just after you'd woken up. You had jolted upright and practically ran to the bathroom, hurried through your usual routine, and thrown on your clothes, before rushing out the door with a quick goodbye and kiss to your mother. Now, you were sprinting down the street, weaving between people and poles and garbage cans as you raced to Undyne and Alphys' place. You executed a particularly nice dodge as you slide beneath the clasped hands to two people and launched yourself over a trashcan, landing in a smooth roll and instantly back on your feet. You supposed all that dodging in the Underground had helped you greatly when it came to your reflexes. Undyne's attacks especially had been useful for that sort of training.

It was with heaving breaths and legs that burned from such exertion that you arrived outside of their new home. It was a large, upgraded version of Undyne's fish house in Waterfall, blue and orange with actual scales covering the walls and roof. You stopped for a moment to catch your breath, and then rang the doorbell. It took only ten seconds for Alphys to come open the door. Usually, you would spend time on greetings and hugs, but now, you grabbed the clawed hand and pulled her down the hallway and into the elevator down to her lab, gesturing excitedly with one hand the entire way.

"Woah, Frisk!" she said as you dragged her along. "What's so urgent?"

You hit the button and the elevator doors closed.

"I have," you panted, still slightly out of breath, "an idea."

"For...?" Alphys asked, puzzled.

"Sans' present," you said promptly. "I need help."

She blinked. Her wings, ruffled from the sudden movement, smoothed themselves out and twitched a little closer to her sides.

"Why me though? Wouldn't you rather pick someone else that knows Sans better? I wouldn't know what to get for him..."

You shook your head.

"Your help," you insisted. "Making something."

Her wings opened up.

"R-really?!" she asked, her face brightening. "Okay! What are we doing?"

You paused. You took a moment to consider what you were going to say. After all, it wasn't an everyday, easy task that the two of you would be undertaking. Still, you wanted to do this for him. You were determined to.

"Making wings," you said a little breathlessly.

You offered her a bright, hopeful smile. She looked confused.


You pointed at hers and ran a finger down one of the feathers.

"He needs them," you said.

Understanding dawned on her face. She looked horrified at first, then sad, and then finally uncertain.

"He lost them," she murmured. "But, Frisk, y-you know it's impossible to um, to get them back, right?"

You nodded.

"'S why we're making them," you explained.

She gaped at you.

"Oh. Oh gosh Frisk, this is...this is really big."

You hesitated. It was a massive project, one that would take many hours and intense amounts of dedication but...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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