i was hanging out with my friend sehun, who was on the team, we were sitting on the benches because neither of us could practice that day. i could always count on sehun to listen to my feelings for you. chen, who was also unable to practice, accidently stepped on him and smashed his finger. it started bruising and swelling, i brought sehun into the field where the first aid kit was, you were running laps just like everyone else but i felt your gaze burning on my thick figure and the slim boy in front of me as i wrapped his finger in the bandaging.
i ignored you for the first time, however i was suddenly pushed to the side gently and you appeared in front of my view, taking the roll of bandage out of my hand along with sehun's. you asked what happened, you didn't sound concerned at all, it was almost as if you were annoyed and angry. i answered you even though the question was directed towards sehun. you seemed displeased i was speaking for him and shot me a glare before walking away.
me and sehun didn't talk after that day, what did you say to him? was it even you? why did sehun walk right past me when he left the locker rooms before you came out with a smirk? why did he finally talk to me when he transferred into my math class? why did he avoid the question of why he ignored me? why did he quit soccer?
i concluded maybe you were jealous, in my mind you were, it wasn't that, if it was why do you never contact me? why must you play with my emotions chanyeol? i hate it but i could never hate you. at least that's what i thought...
____________________________________hey there beautiful ;)
QOTC: what do you guys think so far? comment!
i hope it's interesting since it actually happened ofc i changed things but the plot is almost the same.
Fanfiction❝ my mom always warned me about the drugs on the streets but never the ones with brown eyes and a heartbeat ❞ + based on true events