Inspection day

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The only thing I don't like abut bells high school is they don't care about the bullies swearing or almost killing us to be honest the sort of like it until inspection day.
"Lilly may" (me)shouted me teacher in her calmest voice while the inspectors glanced over at and watched her movement closely . I've never seen her so happy .i can't watch this all day."miss,may I go to the nurses room I feel a bit faint" I said with gilt.
"NO NOT IN MY LESSON" shouted miss Millbals the inspectors looked down at there boards and started writing we could all tell it wasn't good stuff they were writing "oh yes of course you can I thought you said can you go home early.haha "she said while trying to keep up her ugly smile. I walked out before she could change her mind and while walking past the nurses room and out of the back door and walked straight or of the gates. Another thing the inspectors would need to correct the passcode for the gate locks everyone knows them.

On my way to the park and a red and black spots car came zooming  by In slow motion and as soon as I knew it I couldn't see everything over everyone standing in my way. I could feel any of my body. Then I here people running a shouting over the sounds of fire engines and police cars pulling up into the middle of the road.then the world went blank...

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