A Coffee with Jake

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A Coffee with Jake - By e.c.


( year is 2013 )

It wasn't just his looks. It was his personality too. He had a great sense of humor. It was natural, you only encounter that kind of humor a few times in your life. His looks, oh his looks. He had bright blue eyes that always glistened with happiness. His light brown hair was swooped to the side. It made him look like the average 15 year old guy but he was far from average. He was Jake.

Chapter 1 - History

I thought he was cute... and he had a good blog. I messaged him on anonymous and told him i loved his blog. He responded back within a week and said that he loved my blog too. But he didn't even follow mine. I asked him for his Kik name. ( Kik is a private messenger app )

We would talk every other day. He always made me laugh with the funny pictures he sent of him reaching for his Xbox because he didn't want to get out of bed. He was talented too. He used to play Ukelele but he stopped for whatever reason.

I told told him that i play piano and he really liked that. But I don't want to make our 'friendship' sound like anything more than it was. We only talked for about a month. His eyes were pulling me in and I really liked him but for some reason I just stopped, right in my tracks and said that I wouldn't like him anymore.

It was painful. It had to have been for the best but most of the time I find myself pondering the thought of that wild, mysterious smirk he had or those piercing but soft blue eyes.

We were never anything more than friends and maybe we weren't even friends.

Chapter 2 - New York City

(year 2018)

I moved to the city because of the view. The lights of the city at night told a great story of magnificent lives. There were busy shoppers, business people, visiting families and folks just roaming around. There were stories in those lights, and calmness. Every single one of them.

I had a small dingy apartment just five minutes away from the city. I paid fifty dollars a month for it. I got all my appliances from the previous owner who just happened to be moving to go live with his girlfriend that he met online.

The day I moved in I made no friends at my apartment complex. If I dropped something in the hall while unloading my parents car, a passerby would simply plug their headphones into their ears and keep walking.

I didn't expect to make any friends though. I knew New Yorkers had extremely busy lives and new folks or tourists were just in the way. I found my apartment comforting. I didn't need much at all, just essentials and a few things I love.

I had some plants on my window sill soaking up the sun, a small television so I can watch my favorite shows and a used piano. It wasn't much but it was all i needed. There was a small grocery store ( they call that an épicerie in French, I took a few classes in high school and still haven't forgotten a few words) a block away from me that was within biking distance. The city was no place for a car unless you were Father Time.

I sat next to my window sill and watched a few cars go by. Boring, i know. There was a knock on my door. Who even cared that I moved here? I ran to the door, undid the locks and slowly opened it. A mousy woman with short curly blonde hair, a yellow skirt and white shirt stood at my door. The grin on her face was gigantic and she held something wrapped in tin foil.

"Hi! I'm Angie and I live in room 208, right next door."

"Hello, nice to meet you," i smiled," we'll have to meet up sometime."

Angie gestured to the tin foil package she was holding.

"This is a lemon cake, I had some left over from last night's dinner and you seemed nice enough that you wouldn't mind it was half way gone!"

We both laughed, she handed off the lemon cake and we both said goodbye. Finally a normal human being who talks and doesn't ignore you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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