8: Comprimise

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Izzy's feet told her to keep going, keep running away from all the madness, but something in her heart told her to stop. And no, it wasn't her clogged arteries. Something in her mental heart told her to stop. But she ignored it and kept running. Glancing back, the gas station was gone, hidden behind the towering trees. Barry's screams had stopped. Still she kept running. And then- FLOP! She flopped right into a trap.

She had fallen into what looked like a giant pit of rainbows. The forest floor had seemed to just vanish beneath her feet and she had fallen at least 7 feet down. She looked up at the colorful dirt walls surrounding her enclosure. Almost instantly, she was surrounded by a dozen people looking down on her. Their little squinty eyes glared at her, loathingly. They all started tsk tsking and rubbing their fingers in shame. This went on for a little while until Haggy's old face appeared above the hole.

"Thought you could get away?" She said, laughing. "There is none of that escaping mess here." I'm not sure how you did things on Earth, but here you will respect our people's ways."

"On Earth we respected each other by keeping our arms to ourselves!"

"Tsk tsk." Haggy glared at her, pulling out a pair of Armputators and snipping them menacingly. "I don't like your snippy (get it) attitude."

"WAIT!" Squeaked Izzy desperately. "What if we made like a compromise?"

Haggy's eyes narrowed. "A compromise?" She repeated.

"Yes, a compromise." Said Izzy, hopeful. "You know, like something that I could do for you if you let me keep my arms."

Haggy thought about this.

"Is there possibly anything that you need me to do? Anything? That would allow me to keep my arms?"

Haggy thought some more.

Finally she spoke, "well... There is one thing."

Izzy smiled, maybe things could go her way.

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