who's that boy?

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It's the third week of school, wow time goes by pretty fast, I get up out of my bed and go straight to the bathroom, tie my hair up in a bun and wash my face, as im looking in the mirror, I notice a small blemish, ugh, not the time. I guess I have to wear makeup today, ew.

the thought of me painting my face makes me want to vomit. but i should just suck it up and cover the damn thing. i brush my teeth and play music while applying a small amount of concelor on the blemish. after im done, i walk out of the bathroom and go back to my room and i put my iphone on shuffle, give me love by ed sheeran plays, i never really paid attention to the lyrics, i just quite liked the beat.

I quickly put on my skinny jeans and this very cute black chiffon shirt which I absolutely adored.

I curl a bit of my hair and sit down and wait for my little brother to get ready, after about 10 minutes, we are ready to go, my mom drops me off at the school and takes off with my brother.

i walk into my school which i despise so very much, i look at all the seniors, who think they are the shit, which they really aren't. i roll my eyes at their stupidity and walk to my locker, i get my history notebook and i walk to my friends, they all smile at me and i smile back, we discuss our classes and our grades, i am a very school dedicated person, but i hate the campus, does  that make sense? oh well, anyway , i always am a 4.0 kind of student, i put studying first, i might hate it, but my future is important. id rather not be partying and having sex and wasting my time to study and make something out of my life. im usually in my room on my computer listening to music and watching youtube after im done with homework.

The 5 minute bell rings to showing that we have 5 minutes left, I look around and notice that the popular people have one more addition, I look closely to see who it is, I notice that he is tall, 6 foot something, he has curly brown hair, I cant make out what his face looks like.


One minute bell.

Everyone quickly runs to their classes. I notice that the new guy is walking the same way as me, I look to see if I can see what he looks like, I am praying that this boy will turn around, to my luck, he does.

He is wow.  


is he real


he has tattoos all over his arms and his chest, he has amazing green eyes, i am basically staring at him,

I notice him starting to smile, wow his smile makes me weak wow. 

What is he smiling at?

"umm what are you looking at, lovely?" a deep british voice asked me,

Wow its him.

Umm what do I say shit.

"Haha nothing, I I whats your n name?" I basically sounded like a robot I am so nervous wow.

" im harry, what about you babe?" 

" i-im marina, i-i gotta get to class, see ya"

I stumbled into class, blushing like crazy.


Class was boring, I just sat around and listened to my teacher talk.

i got out of class and quickly went to my locker,

I notice the new boy, harry come out of the gym behind me.

I turn around before he notices me looking, the last thing I want him to think is that a nobody like me likes him. I try to walk faster but I notice him getting closer to me, I turn around and I see how visible his piercings are. 

thankfully my class is right in front of me. i quickly get to class and sit down and i notice him walking incredibly slow past my class, and he turns around right infront of the door, and squints, i dont know whats going on, he looks at me and his eyes go wide, and he smiles and waves in a very childish way.


im not sure if hes even was waving at me but i sure hope so, i smiled and looked down, hiding how i probably look like satan because of how much im blushing.

class is so boring, i look out the door because i sit right infront of it, and i hear the door next to mines open and close, i look up, and see harry, just standing. infront of my door. in class.




this guy is such a child. he is smiling and waving and my whole class is laughing.

my teacher looks up at the class after a very long lecture and has a very confused look on his face.

harry doesnt look at anyone else, he is staring at me the whole time. my teacher turns around to see what everyone is laughing about, and just in time for harry to bounce back into class, my teacher gets up, he doesnt end up catching him which i am glad for.

the rest of class i spent blushing and smiling because of how sweet that was.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2013 ⏰

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