Chapter |•2•|

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A loud annoying noise pulled {Y/N} from her sleep. She yawned and sat up, sending a glare to her buzzing mobile phone, trying to turn it off with her mind, this sadly didn't work. So she had to answer it,

'I fucking swear.'

Annoyance dripping from her tone she picked up the phone and growled,


'H-hello Sis!'

A small voice stuttered, obviously terrified. {Y/N}'s hard mood dissipated as a sudden realisation hit her, it was Squee. Her brother, a smile cracked on her lips.

'Squee! Oh God it's been ages.'

The voice giggled softly, grabbing a jacket from the floor she shoved earplugs in her ears and plugged them into her phone.

'I-it has. W-when are you coming to get me..?'

The promise she has made flooded back to her mind, she chewed her lip realising she could get him now. She's just have to tidy up and stuff. She returned her thoughts to the call. Hearing Squee speaking to someone else

'Today. Let me ti- who's that Squee?'

'O-oh. Here.'

The phone was passed along to someone else.

'Hi {Y/N}, I'm Johnny, but call me Nny. I take it your Squee's older sibling.'

'Yes I am. What's it to you.'

'Nothing. I was just making sure.

'Pass the phone back to Squee, now.'

{Y/N} growled. Her patience wearing thin. She grabbed a pen and some paper. Her cozy attitude returned when she heard her brothers voice.

'Hi s-sis.'

'Hi sweetie. Tell me all your favourite foods and what colour you want your bedroom.'

'Blue! P-please.'

After noting down everything that Squee wanted {Y/N} said good bye and cut the call. Running back upstairs to jump into the shower, after doing so, she dried her {H/C} locks and put them into a pony tail, leaving her bangs to frame her face.

She grabbed a pair of thick tights, a black leather skirt and a shirt that had rips along the sleeves instead of the back. Pulling her leather jacket and backpack together she left. Running down the street to the convenience store, she picked up the food and smaller items first, returning home with them, then heading into town to get the other things.

{Time skip! You've painted the bedroom and such.}

The dial tone ring before a small voice answered,


'Squee! Back your bags matey!'

Nervous yet cheerful laughter could be heard as {Y/N}'s younger brother laughed, happy to finally be freed.

'Tell mom and dad I'm coming over to get you.'

'Ok, bye sis. Love you.'

'Love you too.'

{Y/N} smiled, she only showed some form of affection towards her brother, he was the only one that understood really. {Y/N} set off a little up her street, coming to a well maintained house. She whistled and burst through the door,

'Squee! I'm he-'

'You aren't taking him. He's our son.'

{Y/N}'s mother called from her bedroom, the father was stood in the living room glaring angrily at his daughter and son.

'What? You don't give a shit about him.'

'Yes, that's true but he's still OUR son. We own him.'

Anger bubbled up with {Y/N}. She clenched her fists and sighed. Pulling her bag from her back she pulled out the stout dagger she had always carried round with her.

'Squee close your eyes.'

That voice, it was stage voice from the call. The boy did as he was told, {Y/N} turned to be met with a male taller than her with black hair striped jeans on and thick leather combat boots, a long leather trench coat pieced the outfit together, he sent a nod in {Y/N}'s direction.

'Don't want him seeing this.'

Spoke the male, the girl shook her head. Agreeing with the male, she dug her iPod and headphones from her bag.

'You take mother, I want to get my father back. Squee put these in.'

Squee complied and listened to a playlist you had made for such an occasion on a high enough volume that it wouldn't hurt his ears but he wouldn't hear a thing. Nny complied and ran upstairs. {Y/N}'s father just stood there and stared, a brow cocked.

'{Y/N} don't you dare, don't be so brash.'

As she made her way towards him, he back against the wall, hitting it with a squeak. A smirk curled in {Y/N}'s lips.

'Don't worry dad.'

'It won't hurt, a lot.'

{Y/N} raised the blade and plunged it into his stomach, earning a scream from him, at that exact time she heard a gurgling scream from her mother.


She continued to stab her father in a various assortment of placements. His jugular, eyes. Anywhere she could reach.

She finished wiped her blade clean with her sleeve, a strong metallic smell filling the air.

'I'm all finished here.'

{Y/N} smiled and sat on the floor behind Squee, wrapping her arms around him she pulled him into a tight embrace, he returned it after manoeuvring himself to a position where he could hug her back. Jonny walked back in, a soft smile homing in his lips as he watched the scene unfold.

'They won't hurt you anymore Squee. Let's go home, ok?'

The little boy nodded as she stood up and realised he had taken his headphones out during the ordeal.

'You heard it all.'

He nodded, taking his small hand in her slightly bloody one.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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