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"I'm sorry ma'am, could you repeat that for me one more time?" I force a smile at the woman on the other side of the counter, she'd said... well more like whispered her order about three times now and I still couldn't hear her.

A frustrated look grew upon the woman's face and she cleared her throat, "I said I'd like a grande white mocha with soy milk!"

I clenched my jaw as tightly as I possibly could, slapped on an even bigger smile and nodded my head, "That will be $5.45, ma'am." She threw the money down onto the counter and hissed, "Keep the change."

I watched as she stomped her way over to the other side of the bar and I exhaled deeply.


I untie my apron and throw it into my backseat, working at a coffee shop is aesthetically pleasing, but once you're three hours in running on four hours of sleep and a mob of impatient customers are barking orders at you, your only aesthetic is laying face down in the middle of the shop.

I whip my phone out and decide to call my friend Xavier, I'm in need of a good time.

He picks up on the third ring, "What's up Denise?"

"Hey X, what are you doing tonight?"

I'm parked in front of Xavier's house and I looked down at the jeans I'm wearing, Prince definitely wouldn't approve of these. I lean my head back and sigh softly, what did that even mean? Beautiful women should never wear jeans? Where did he even come up with that? And who is HE to decide whether or not a women should wear jeans? I happen to like jeans!

I scoff and swing my door open, I'm probably going to regret tonight.

Xavier is leaning against the doorframe as I make my way up the steps.

"Well don't you look nice." The corners of his mouth tug into a smile and I look down and shake my head.

"Please, I spilt about three cups of coffee on myself today," I giggle and look up at him, "Thanks though."

He grabs my hand and pulls me inside, "You're fine either way and you know it."

"Mm, is that right?" His eyes sit low and they're stained red, perfect. I take a few steps back and tilt my head to the side. "You got anything for me?"

He nods his head and plops down onto his couch, "Most definitely, for you, I've got the yeyo, tabs, but if you're not up for that I've got some plain old tree. So, what'll it be?"

"Tabs, just one though."

"That's my girl," He motions for me to come sit next to him and I do. A part of me doesn't know what I'm getting myself into, but I know I'll be fine, X would never let harm come my way.

"Open up."

I close my eyes and open my mouth and lift my tongue up, he places the tab underneath, then I close my mouth and smile.

"Now we wait." He throws his head back onto the couch and takes a drag from a joint he had resting in an ashtray.

"So, what have you been up to?" I turn my head to face him, he places the joint back down and pulls me onto his lap.

"Let's not start with this small talk shit we both know why you came over."

I look down and try my hardest to keep from smiling, "It's not small talk, I genuinely wanted to know."

He rolls his eyes and tugs on my belt loops, "Well since you're dying to know, I've actually been getting ready to move."

"Really? Where to?"

"Philadelphia, I've got family out there and I think it'll be good for me. I've already found a job and an apartment."

"Well you're all set! I hope everything works out. I'll miss you."

"And I'll miss you, now just so you know exactly what you'll be missing..." He lifts my shirt up and proceeds to do what I came here to do.

Ha. ;)

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