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Reader's POV

I sighed as I looked up at the full moon. The chilly breeze blew pass me and I slightly shivered. I sat on the cement ground in the 'Main Room' which was basically a large patio outside. You could only see the sky for the base was surrounded by a gigantic cement wall. The stars twinkled in the nighttime sky. I chuckled. This brought back memories.


'Aren't they beautiful?'

'They sure are, mommy.'

'Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the sky so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are'

'Goodnight (N/N)'

-flashback ends-

A tear slipped down my cheek.

In my rather tiny home in Manhattan, I usually watched the stars in my small backyard with my mother. It was a time where I could spend time with only her. I remember her holding me in her arms as she rocked me when I was almost asleep. I was four years old when she was murdered. It was hard on me and my brothers to continue on without a mother.

Sighing loudly, I stood up and migrated to my dorm. When I reached it, I used my keycard to open the large, metal door. I turned on the light bulb and sat on the small cot. I looked around the room. It could make you feel claustrophobic. It was about the size of a college dorm room. The only clothes that I had were my cameoflauge uniform, a couple of t-shorts, a pair of jeans, a simple (F/C) dress, a couple of pajamas (sweat shirts and sweat pants) and the gear you wear when you are deployed for missions. My family may have been poor but I had nice things. And now they were taken away. But I have a place to sleep, friends and food right?

I jumped when I heard a feminine voice coming through the PA system.

'Katie Smith, Judy Kim, Jeremias Cunningham, Todd Delainie, Ben Tono, and (F/N) (L/N), report to garage B-400'

I slightly grinned. I hadn't had any real action in a while. Hopefully this mission can take my mind off of things. I wondered what this one will be. I ran to my closet.

I grabbed my trousers, top, boots, gloves, mask and my utility belt. My gear consisted of a mask, spray, gun and taser. I braided my hair and let it hang behind me. Opening the door, I made my way to garage B-400. It was a ways away but it was worth it.

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