The Fangirls

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Ciel was sitting outside, behind the small white table, reading a book. It was almost time for his afternoon tea.

God where is he?

He noticed something moving from the cornor of his eye. He looked up to see his butler coming with a tray of tea and cake. At the same moment he noticed a russle from a bush, not too far away from them. He thought of it as nothing and continued with his book until Sebastian made it to him.

He served the tea with cake and waited for further commands.

"Sebastian?" Ciel asked after taking a sip from his cup.

"Yes, young Master?"

"I have this thought eating me these past few days and I need your honest opinion."

"Whatever it is, Young Master?"

"Imagine: this whole world is imaginary and you and I are simply... fictional charecters, who do you think would be more popular? You or me?"

Sebastian let out a small chuckle and asked with eyebrows slightly raised:

"Now Young Master, why would you ask that?"

"Just answer the question." Ciel sighed out of frustration.

"Well I think that-"

"And answer it honestly, that is an order."

Sebastian chuckled before saying: "As you wish, my Lord"

Ciel huffed raising his cup of tea to his lips. Sebastian continued: "Since you asked I think I would be the more popuar one."

Ciel choked on his tea: "WHAT?"

"It's my honest opinion." Sebastian ended with a smirk. Ciels eye twitched: "Why do you think YOU'D be the more popular one? I'm the Earl Ciel Phantomhive! The Queens Guard Dog! I have the Underground world pushed up against the wall!" Ciels breathing was rapid.

He closed his eyes and asked a little more calmly: "Why do you think they'd find YOU more interesting?"

Sebastian inhaled a little before saying with a smirk: "You see, I'm just one hell of a butler."

Ciel looked annoyed and wanted to say something befor a bush made a sound like someone steppted on a twig.

Ciel looked at the bush then back at his butler and asked "Sebastian did you hear that?"

Sebastian just nodded and waited for his young masters commands but before Ciel could say anything a bunch of girls jumped out of the bushes, surrounding them and screeched like pigs stuck in a fence.

Ciel was at loss of words because it all happened so suddenly. One of the girls picked up the courage and started talking really fast "Cieland Sebastianiamprobablythebiggestfanofyoursandiloveyoubothsoomuch" (Ciel and Sebastian, I am probably the biggest fan of yours and I love you so much).

Ciel looked confused while Sebastian looked normal.

A bunch of other girls started arguing who is the biggest fan. Suddenly they all looked at Ciel and Sebastian and asked all in unison: "Who do you think is the biggest fan of yours?"

Ciel looked like he wanted to flee from the now growded place so Sebastian bowed down to his master height and whispered in Ciels ear: "Young Master, we should distrack them and run."

Ciel nodded and after a moment yelled suddenly while pointing to the sky: "Hey look there's something in the sky!"

All the girls looked at the sky where Ciel was pointing, while Sebastian sweatdropped and picked his young master up and ran from the girls.

One of the girls noticed the movement and yelled to others that their idols are trying to flee. Before you know it, all of them started chasing after them.

And that, my dear fangirls and fanboys is how Ciel and Sebastians day went. Running from a bunch of us.


Sebastian: So, Young Master, do you still wish to be the most popular one?

Ciel: No thanks, you can have the job.

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