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A/N:I promise this isn't sad or anything it's actually pretty fluffy so carry on my wayward readers (I'm sorry that song is stuck in my head)

Dean's POV

"Cas?" I yelled out after I killed the last demon. "Dean." Cas choked out in a low gravelly voice. I ran over to him when I saw where he was. "No no no no no" I said as I saw the blade in his chest and the blood pooling around him.

"Dean, you have to let go of me, it's just my time, I never was very good at being human anyways." He said laughing a little. "No, Cas we need you, Sam needs you..." I choked down a sob. "I need you." I said almost in a whisper.

"Dean, you have to know before I die..." Castiel said before I cut him off, "Don't say that you aren't going to die, not yet." I swallowed another sob as tears fell freely from my red eyes.

"Yes I am Dean, I just-*cough* I need you to know I love you Dean Winche-" before he could finish he took his last breath. I watched as his eyes rolled back into his head.

I didn't even try to keep my sobs down anymore "NO!" I yelled "NOT LIKE THIS, I LOVE YOU CAS!" I sobbed into Castiel's trench coat.

I shot up, tears still streaming down my face. It took me a minute to register that it was just a nightmare but when I did I sighed in relief.

I had to see my angel though. I had to tell him how I felt before it was to late. I felt tears pricking my eyes as I remembered the nightmare.

I rubbed my eyes quickly so I wouldn't cry again, and walked down to the room we gave Castiel when he became human.

I knocked on the door quietly and heard a faint voice from inside call out  "Who is it?" He asked. "It's Dean." I replied. He opened the door with a smile that turned to worry when he saw how visibly nervous I was.

I forced a smile and asked if I could come in. He said yes and sat down on the bed gesturing for me to come sit with him. I closed the door behind me and sat beside him.

"So what did you wanna talk abo- have you been crying?" He whisper shouted so he didn't wake Sam up. My eyes widened at the realization that my eyes must have been really puffy and red because of the dream.

"Um, yeah." I didn't want to lie right now I just needed to tell him "I um I had a nightmare." He gestured for me to go on so I told him about the entire dream until it came to the ending "-then you said" I stopped talking as I realized I was just about to say how he said he loved me.

"What did I say? You know you can tell me." Castiel said supportingly. "You....you said you loved me..." I said rubbing the back of my neck. His eyes widened in shock. "Oh...I did I-" He staggered.

"Then you died..." I said continuing telling him the dream as I felt tears in my eyes. "I then realized you won't be here forever." I sniffed as I tear fell down my face. I didn't wipe it away 'cause I knew more were about to come.

"So I had to come in here to tell you-" I took a deep breath-"I love you Castiel." He just sat there eyes wide dumbfounded. I'm such an idiot of course he doesn't feel the same.

"I-I'm sorry I'll just g-go." I said tears now going down my face not only for the dream but for the rejection from the person I love.

I got up and started for the door when I felt him grab onto my wrist. I looked back to see him stand up. He looked so hot with be messy sex hair. I looked at what he was wearing. An old AC/DC shirt and- holy shit Cas is in his underwear.

I kept checking him out and I guess he saw because then he smirked and pulled me in for a deep passionate kiss.

We fell onto the bed me on top. I pinned his arms above his head and continued the kiss. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. He parted his lips as if granting my wish and I slid my tongue in roaming his mouth.

We separated to breath and looked into each other's eyes until Cas spoke up. "I love you too Dean, I have ever since I gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."

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