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I kissed my baby goodbye I was going to see her soon but she couldn't get on the plane she's getting shipped over."dean it's a car just let IT go" how dare he insult her like that oh he is going to pay for that! "Did you just say that about her! She has feelings bitch!" I shouted drawing some attention to us "jerk." He just mumbled under his breath.
        "Ohhh my gosh I hate this so much." I squeezed my eyes shut and started shaking. Sam grabbed ahold of my hand "dean your okay, your going to be okay." He comforted, as much as he annoys me sometimes he is helping a lot and I don't know what I would do without him, wow I'm never going to let him hear that.
(Five minutes before landing)
       "Sammy...." I looked at him "dean what's up?" Sam questioned, "I hate you, you little bitch why did you make me do this?!" I watched him chuckle to  himself and then turn to face me "I love you too, jerk" he replied.
        I kissed the ground as soon as we landed of course Sam laughed but I just rolled my eyes and brushed myself down.
"Let's go get my baby then we can take on this case." Sam looked slightly guilty when I said that.
"About that I made it up, look I bucked a hotel for 6 weeks we each have our own room lets just have fun." Oh my gosh that little bitch is going to die "how dare you put me through that, you made me fly you little bitch! Did you know the flys for birds!" I shouted at him "well dean the ground's for turds you jerk" he replied cockily.
"you know Sammy j would shut your mouth before I beat you ass up." He nodded haha I sounded so badass.
         "Okay Sammy I'll admit this is a pretty nice hotel." Just then I noticed the most beautiful person I have ever seen to be honest he was more like an angel. He had perfect brown hair styled into a messy quiff, and don't even get me started on his eyes pools of perfection blue as the sea.
Sorry the chapters are short but there will be a lot of them tbh I know no one is going to read these but oh well.

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