Long Nights

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Nevaeh POV

It was 5am and I was currently in bed trying to catch up on the last season of The Bachelor. Why was I up at 5am and I have work at 9am. Just thinking about it made my eyes roll. My boss was an asshole. He was some old man who owned way too many hotels that I had to keep tabs on.
He had to be older than my parents but he was sarcastic like my little annoying brother which bothered me. The Old Man was so demanding and such an asshole with everything he said. I don't think he was ever taught manners and just common courtesy. But whatever.
Anyways I had been working there for about 2 months and they paid well. I also got a lot of free lunch & free room deals which was a great benefit. It wasn't the best job, but it wasn't the worst. I kinda got used to that old devil off a boss.

7:30 *alarm goes off*

I immediately threw the pillow over my face like any other morning. After a few more annoying bells I silenced the alarm and got out of bed slowly. I was still mentally sleep, so I didn't know if my body would adjust faster than my mind. But it did so of course my next stop was the bathroom. Before I could even make it to the bathroom my boss was already calling.
"DUDE IT'S WAYYYYYY TOO EARLY" I yelled. I stared at the phone for what felt like forever before I answered it.

"Good Morning Mr.Smith. How are you?" I said in the fakest Valley girl voice ever.

"Hello Baby, I was just letting you know I would be running a bit late , but I have a client coming for a wedding reception with umm Jaycion Brody."

Oh yeah I forgot to mention. He flirts. He's always up on me, but I think he should be somewhere looking at life insurance plans honestly. Old Creep. "Ok I'll let him know when he arrives. See you when you get there." I said trying to shorten this phone conversation. It was barely 8 and I was already dealing with him. Why?

"One more thing , I left something for you in your office. Bye Sweetheart" he said with a seductive voice , I almost gaged . Literally.

The phone conversation ended and I had gotten dressed and put my hair in a low pony. It's was 8:35 and I was headed out to beat this Chicago traffic.

I arrived at the office a few minutes before nine & clocked in. There was a Pandora bag. I quickly opened the bag and immediately saw a fully loaded charm bracelet. I gasped and sat the bracelet back in the bag. There was a note signed by Mr.Smith on my desk "You deserve this".
I can not accept that, I thought to myself. This wasn't the first gift he had gotten me, actually he had even offered to buy me a condo near his house before. I declined. He claimed it would be like a built in assistant, but I knew better than that. He was way to forthcoming with his feelings. And I always just shut him down. I thought about calling him , but figured it would be better to tell him in person that what he was doing was thoughtful, but I didn't want any gifts from him. Unless it was a raise, of course.
I checked a few voicemails and made sure events and appointments were confirmed and set. It was only 10am and I had just got off the phone with an investor when there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I said. Through the door came the finest man I had ever seen. Well not as fine as Zac Efron, but close to it. He looked black, but also white. So it was hard to tell his race. He was about 6'4 and looked like the kind of guy to be in the gym a looooot. Omg am I fan girling? "Hi. I'm Jaycion Brody. " he said taking me from my thoughts. I smiled and greeted him.


Jaycion POV

"Congratulations!!!" I yelled to Caleb. He was bout to be a married man in less than 48 hours, but who's counting tho. Caleb and I had been bros since High School and although we're only 24, it feels like I've known him my whole life.
"You know I never thought I'd get married, but Rachel's the one for me" he said. My boy Caleb was already drunk and I knew this night would go down in history. I pulled $1,000 in ones out my back pocket. Within seconds strippers were trying to climb poles. It was the funniest thing man. I stared at one stripper who looked uncomfortable dancing and asked her to come here. She walked over slowly. "Dance for me" I stared. She looked hesitant, but danced anyways. She was good at it, but still looked uncomfortable. I smiled and threw cash in the air. After that she loosened up. I guess money makes any stripper loosen up huh?
"What's your name? Can I call you sometime?" She whispered in my ear so I could hear her over the music "J. Give me your number". I handed her my phone & she saved her number then passed it back to me. "My name is Kayla" she yelled over the music before walking back to the pole.
I looked over and Caleb was taking shots like a pro. It was only a few minutes past midnight and Caleb phone was ringing on the table... He didn't even bother to look, which made me laugh. "Hey man you should get that" I said in case it was an emergency or anything. He waved me off and told me to take a shot with him. I was already buzzed a little just from the party bus. I'm not really a drinker, but tonight was Caleb's bachelor party and as his best man, I think I should take the shot.
It was probably 3am. After one too many drinks and shots I felt my vision blur and my stomach felt like I was gonna throw up everything I ate today. I still heard the sound of the club atmosphere. I was stumbling out the club and Caleb was a total wreck. And that's all I remember.


I woke up on the couch to the sound of World War III. It was childish ass Caleb playing Call of Duty. He took this game way to serious. "Bro Wtf" I yelled. "Woke up on the wrong side of the couch?" He replied in a sarcastic tone. He was stretched across the recliner looking was too comfortable for a guy who should have a hang over.
Seconds later Rachel was running through the door with a death stare on Caleb. "Where's your phone?" She asked in a calm tone. I think her tone surprised yet scared both Caleb and I. "Somewhere dead" Caleb responded and I knew it was time for me to go.
I looked at the time on the cable box and it was 8:45am. I was gonna be late for this meeting with Mr.Smith today about the reception area. This was all Caleb wanted my help with because he knew I was into this type of stuff. I wasn't designing anything, just picking out the space. Great part about looking for places was that everyone wanted to cater the event, so I got free food to try everywhere I went. Lmao.
I jumped up and said "Yeah I have to go do some last minute stuff, I'll see you two later". "Alright bro, you need me to---" Caleb said. He was just trying to get away from Rachel which was funny as shit. "You ain't going no where, we need to talk Mr.Bachelor" Rachel cut him off.
I gave Rachel a hug and took the stairs to the first floor... because I hate elevators. On my way out I realized I didn't drive, because the party bus picked us up yesterday. I requested an Uber to take me home so I could at least change.
30 minutes later I had just gotten out of a 2 minute shower and was drying off. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I could still feel my hangover so I took an Aleve. I looked in my closet for something not too casual but not too serious. I threw a short sleeve polo over my head and decided to just put on Khakis. I looked around for the nearest cologne and decided to go with some Burberry.
I grabbed my keys and was soon on my way to my meeting. I was nootttt in the mindset to be having a meeting right now. Shit I shouldn't even be driving. I arrived to "Smith & Co" about 5 minutes before the meeting actually started. I parked Valet and walked in. The receptionist told me Mr.Smith was not here and I would be meeting with his assistant instead.
I knocked on a door that read "Nevaeh Brooks". A voice answered and I walked in. I looked at her but tried not to stare. "Hi. I'm Jaycion Brody" I said trying not to stutter. She smiled. "I'm Ms.Brooks and I apologize Mr.Smith is running a little late but he wanted me to go over everything with you for tomorrow evening".
"Oh yeah he was supposed to be showing me how the place looked as of today because designers are coming in today to get started" I replied. I could tell she was taken back a bit because she look surprised. "Well actually he didn't tell me that, but just give me a few minutes and I'll show you. If that's fine with you"
"It looks like someone has a secret admirer" I said noticing her Pandora bag. "Oh um yeah wrong desk. Wasn't meant for me" she said trying to lie. She could tell I didn't believe her but she just giggled. She grabbed her keys and locked the office.
"All the halls and rental rooms are on the first floor and the lower level which is basically basement" Nevaeh said and I laughed. "Well that's good because I hate elevators" I replied and she nodded.
"Well here's what you reserved for tomorrow 7-12am" she said and opened the wood doors of the spacious hall room. I looked around and grinned. "Perfect. Can you let him know the designers will be here around 2 to start setting up." "Sure. Anything else?" She responded. "I'll also need your number, I'd love to take you out sometime" I said in a smooth tone. She laughed.
"Nice try. But I don't date Mr.Smith's clients. Come on I have to show you where your guest will be entering and exiting" she said trying to drop the conversation. My heart hurt a little off that one. I was not the type to get denied. I stared at her as she walked out the doors. Her hips swayed , but she didn't look back.
She cracked the door because I was still standing there "Are you coming or what?" She said. I didn't say anything, I just followed.
"Are you seriously not giving me your number?" I said after a few minutes of her talking about amenities the company was offering us. "Did you listen to anything I just said?" She responded with an annoyed facial expression.
"Uh yeah, Can I have your number tho?" I said smiling and she just stared at me with a blank expression. "Anyways that's all. Hope you have a great night tomorrow." She responded walking back towards her office. I laughed. She was really not giving me her number.
"I always get what I want" I yelled. She just nodded and closed the door.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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