Chapter 3

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Twilight, Rainbow, Apple Jack, Rarity, and Fluttershy sat in thrones at the middle of Twilight's castle, mourning the loss of their friend.

"I can't believe Pinkie's gone"
Apple Jack said tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe The Night Killer would kill her. Didn't they have a twisted liking for all of us?" Rainbow asked angrily.

"If I could find out how they chose their victims I might be able to figure out why" Twilight stated looking down.

"Well until we figure out who this pony is, we should do all we can to keep them from killing again" Apple Jack said confidently.

"I'm starting to think the only way to figure out who it is we need to let them kill. They don't leave behind anything. They take their weapons with them and there we no whoof marks anywhere" Rainbow exclaimed discouraged.

"Wait no whoof marks. Didn't the authorities say all the victims were moved from where they were murdered?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, why?" Rainbow asked confused.

"No whoof marks, moved from original place of murder, meaning they never touched the pony they were killing them" Twilight said as she then realized another clue the murderer left to their identity "The Night Killer must be a unicorn! It would explain the lack of whoof marks and how they were moved without being touched"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Twilight slowly made her way over to the door. She opened the to an officer who looked distressed.

"What is it?" She asked with concern.

"Princess Twilight" the officer said bowing "There's been another one"

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