Chapter 22

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"I don't understand why it is such a big deal to tell him," Charlotte says to me. We are at our apartment sitting on the couch talking.

It has now been almost a month since Harry and I first said we love each other, and I still have not told him about knowing Zayn. It really is not a problem if he knows that Zayn and I knew each other in the past. "I'm just afraid he will flip out if he knew Zayn and I sort of had something."

"You guys were like together for a week. And is Harry really the jealous type?"

Yes. He does not say it directly, but I can tell in the little things he does that he is most definitely the jealous type. Anytime a guy even looks at me when we are together, he wraps his arm around me or holds my hand, or a few times he has just stopped what he was doing and kissed me. He sometimes questions what I wear, but he never goes too far on that. "I don't know. But look what Zayn texted me."

I hand her my phone so she can read the text conversation Zayn and I had a few weeks ago:

From Zayn:


To Zayn:


From Zayn:

I just wanted to say sorry... for what I said at the theatre. You were right, it wasn't exactly the best way to express what I was trying to say:/

To Zayn:

Oh. Apology accepted. Sorry too, I wasn't exactly being friendly either.

From Zayn:

That's okay... And

To Zayn:


From Zayn:

I figured we'll be seeing each other a lot more from now on. So I just wanted to make sure we are friends? I don't want things to continue to be tense between us...

To Zayn:

No, you're right. We really can't be acting so ridiculous. So friends.

From Zayn:


"It seems pretty innocent to me," Charlotte says. She hands me my phone.

"He's texted me since then. And about things that aren't even important. We are actually becoming friends again." It is a little odd to think about that, but I keep reminding myself that Zayn and I were friends once and that it is possible to be friends again. We used to have the same humor, and we still do. That is what our conversations revolve around usually- things that make us laugh and feel necessary to share with each other. Nothing too deep or personal.

"Just be careful around him, then. Especially if you don't want Harry to freak out about everything when you tell him about high school."

"Okay." My phone buzzes once and a second time signaling two new messages. The first one is from Zayn.

From Zayn:

Remember how we had to draw each other at the very beginning of art class?

I remember. Zayn's picture of me looked like a caricature and mine of him looked like a mutant.

To Zayn:


He sends me a picture of the drawing I did of him.

From Zayn:

For some reason, I kept this piece of shit.

I smile.

To Zayn:

You loved that piece of shit, I seem to remember

From Zayn:

If love is the verb you want to go with... Then sure, I "loved" it lol

I must have been exaggerating at the theatre about the whole horror of having to deal with Zayn. He is no where near as crappy as I remember, for some reason.

I almost forget to check the other message that someone sent me at the same time as Zayn. I look at the missed message.

From Harry:

Love youuu

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