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"Fuck you Lance!" 

I scream at my boyfriend who is buried in some blonde haired girl on top of our bed. I start throwing everything I can reach at him, the girl begins to scream as he tries to free himself.  I stormed out of our room and grabbed my bag from the night before. I ran out of the house and got into my car, I drove until I reached my friend Devin's house. I rang the doorbell knowing I was a mess. 

"Alex! What's wrong?" Devin asks as i walk into his house.

"Lance. I guess i'm not what he wants anymore." I say in between sobs. I feel Devin's arms wrap around me as I bury my face in his shoulder. He begins rubbing my back as I continue to cry. after a couple of minutes I calmed down enough to wander over to Devin's couch. I waited for him to come back with something to drink as I wiped my nose. 

"Sorry about that Dev. I just walked into my room and he was uhhh, well plowing her." 

"Listen Alex if he can't tell that you were the best thing to happen to him then you don't need to be with that asshole. You are more then welcome to stay here for as long as you like." He says to me as he hands me a glass of lemonade, and sits down next to me. I lean into him, he turns the tv on and we watch it for a couple of hours until his cellphone begins to ring. He picks it up, still letting me lean on him. 

"Hey Ben, what's up? Uhhh dinner sure, is it cool if i bring Alex? She's staying over for a while and i don't want to leave her alone. Ok cool we will be over in about an hour." Devin hung up the phone and look down at me.

"Want to go have dinner at Ben's? He said you are more than welcome to come. Plus he promised BBQ and what is better than a British man making food he hadn't ate until he moved here? Because it is kind of the best thing." Devin tells me as i let out a light laugh.

"Sure that sounds pretty good, i mean you have to promise that it is just as bad as it sounds, otherwise I will leave." I say to him as he pulls me off of the couch.

"Do you have clothes or do you want to borrow some from me? I have some stuff that will fit you if you need." He told me as I looked through my bag trying to find some clothes. 

"If i could just borrow a pair of shorts that would be super awesome. I have clean tops I just don't want to wear dirty shorts over." He nods and runs up to his room and a second later he starts throwing basketball shorts down at me. I give him a look as he comes back downstairs and waves his arms.

"Take any you want." He says to me as I look around  and find a pair of gray shorts that will go well with my dark purple shirt. 

"Looks good. You ready? I think you will really like Ben hes pretty chill. Actually the band is going on tour with him in a few weeks." He tells me as we walk into his garage and got into his car. 

"So what are you going to do about Lance?"

"I mean i'm done with him. So I guess nothing, I will just tell him we are done and move in with you." I half joke.

"Hell yeah! Parties all the time! It will be great, sleepovers all of the time. I'm excited." He exclaims.

"I was half joking, I will totally move in though since you seem to want me to." He smiles over at me, the rest of the car ride is spent in silence. We got to Ben's house about 15 minutes later, and saw that there were a bunch of cars in front of his house. We had to park a ways down the street and walk up to his house. We hear a bunch of screaming and yelling. We walk into the back yard to find a game of beer pong going on. 

"Hey Luke! Where's Ben at?" Devin asks.

"I think he is in the kitchen with the rest of his band i'd go check. " Luke says giving me a little wave. I smile at him as I feel Devin grab my hand and pull me inside. I look around and see everyone has a drink in hand. 

"Devin!" I see a guy standing around a kitchen island yell. He is about the same height as Devin, he gives him a big hug as I take a step back and look around the house. 

"Is this Alex? Nice to meet you I'm Ben that's Cam, Sam, James and I have no clue where Denis wandered off to. What do you want to drink, we have basically anything you want." Ben asked me.

"Yeah could I please just have beer? I'm not really wanting anything too hardcore at the moment." I say to him, he smiles and grabs one out of the fridge and pops it open and hands it to me. 

"Thank you! Also you have a... Devin what!" I half yell as he interrupts me mid sentence, he pulls me behind him and into the back yard. Devin takes a running  start and does a cannon ball into the pool which I had just now noticed. I roll my eyes as I sit on the edge of the pool and stick my legs in and kick water at Devin who tries to splash me. I scream as he pulls me in. 

"Jerk! What if my phone had been in my pocket?" I say as i splash him.

"I saw it sitting next to you, I made sure before I pulled you in." He tells me as he pulls me under and dragged me to the bottom of the pool. I opened my eyes and saw that he was staring at me. I scrunched my nose and stuck my tongue out at him, he flicks my nose as we swim up to the surface.  

"You are the worst." I say to him as he swims over to the edge of the pool and takes his shirt off. I roll my eyes so that I don't look directly at him shirtless. I can feel my face grow warm as i begin to blush. 

"What? Do I have something on me or should I let you take a picture?" He asks as he raises and eyebrow at me.

"Nah I've seen better." I tease, he shoots me a fake hurt look. I shrugged as I laid back and let myself float around the pool. Every once in a while someone would jump in causing me to get water in my eyes. Sometime around 6 I heard someone call dinner so I slowly got out of the pool and dried off as I looked for Devin. When I cant find him wander over to Luke who lets me sit down next to him.

"So you sad your bestie is leaving you for tour?" I tease him.

"Totally, I'm super concerned that Devy will try and make a new best friend and I will be all alone." He says to me as he rolls his eyes.

"So sassy, I like you!" I tell him as we watch Devin exit the house holding two plates and looking around, probably trying to find one of us.

"Devin Nicolas! Over here yo!" Luke shouts using his middle name, I turn wide eyed to look at him.

"Bro your'e going to call him out like that wow! You gotta use his full name. Devin Nicolas Oliver!" I scream in his direction, he turns and sees us as his cheeks grow red. I start laughing, so I lean into Luke until I can stop myself.

"Really Alex! My full name? Here I was getting you some food and you have to use my full name? Fine Luke gets it." He tells me as he hands Luke the second plate. I drop my mouth in fake horror and look at Luke. He smiles at me and hands it to me which makes Devin gasp in fake shock.

"She knows how to call you out properly." Luke tells him as he shrugs.

"I don't like either of you! I'm going to go sit with James he is at least nice to me." He tells us as he sticks his tongue out. I set my food down and grab on to his waist so he cant walk away from us. He turns and looks at me as i give him puppy dog eyes.

"Don't leave the use of your full name was out of longing... for food, but longing none the less." I say to him, he rolls his eyes and sits down on the chair with me. 


Hope you guys like it. <3

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