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"Hey Ani!" I say standing up next to him. 

"How are you Lex?" 

"I'm pretty good. It's been a while, what since my senior year of college?" I ask. 

"Well I introduced you to Luke and Dev and you didn't text me back after that. It hurt my feelings he tells me. I roll my eyes and hug him. 

"Eh you were to hot to talk to all the time. That's why, but your'e here now so you get to help me move." I tell him handing him a box that Ben has just set down. 

"Ok. We do need to talk, I heard about Lance." He says to me as he makes his way up to my room. 

"What do you guys have to talk about? I thought you guys hated each other?" Devin asks me.

"That is the very complicated part. When you and Andrew are the same age i'll tell you all about it." I say winking at him. He he rolls his eyes and hands me a box so I can go and unpack it.

"Alexia McKenzie Jade Sawyer, I have missed you." Andrew says right as I walk into my room, he pushes me into my door which makes it half slam shut. He pushes his lips against mine, as I wrap my arms around his neck. We make out for about a minute before I realize what we were doing. 

"Ani. We can't this is how I got in trouble last time, this is why we didn't talk until today. Remember." I tell him as I hear him try  to shush me, he was pressing gentle kisses on my cheek as I tried to look him in the eyes. I shift my head as Andrew continues to kiss me. 

"Lex you know I just want you to be happy. You know I can make you happy, you remember." He tells me as he runs his hand down my side. 

"Andrew, I don't want to do this." I say to him as I grab my door knob and step out in to the hall causing him to fall forward. I laugh as I walk away, I see that all the guys are looking up at us.

"We got locked in and Drew tried to get us out and failed. Long story short I just took out the bottom hinge." I tell them as I make my way down stairs. 

"Yeah we heard you were some kind of genius. What does Devin mean when he says that?" Ben asks me.

"I graduated MIT by the time I was 20. That's what he means. You know child genius, has no friends, is really weird. I was the child genius with the friends." I tell the guys as I walk inside with them as they carry my dresser inside. 

"MIT? Why didn't you guys tell us?" Ben and Sam ask at the same time.

"Because she graduated and then lost all of her employment opportunities to someone who didn't have any degree. So she started working at a gas station." Andrew tells them as he looks down at us. 

"Yeah, I was supposed to go work for Boeing but got beat out because I had morals." I say to them as Sam give Andrew a death glare and Cam hugs me. Ben and Devin looking at Andrew who is giving me a very mean look. 

"Are you trying to be a dickhead?" Ben asks him.

"She probably wasn't going to tell you, so I figured I would tell you." Andrew says to them. 

"It wasn't your information to share bro." Devin says trying to defend me. 

"Guys it's ok. I don't mind, it was just the cards I was dealt. Want to hear how me and Andrew met?" I ask staring up at him. His eyes go wide as he rushes down the stairs. 

"YES!" Three people yell at me. 

"Or no!" Andrew yells putting his hand over my mouth, Ben steps towards him and removes his hand from my mouth. 

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