Chapter One - Awakening

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"Une Ladybug, porte-bonheur, Lady magique et Lady chance ! Une Ladybug, Lady du coeur,Être héroïque en cas d'urgence !" the high schooler sang unabashedly as the French theme song blasted in her ears. Y/n was riding her bike home from school one cloudy Friday afternoon. School had just got out and, after rambling out the French show to her best friend who was as much ML trash as she was, Y/n was looking forward to getting home to watch the latest episode. The English version hadn't come out yet, but that didn't matter. It's not like she watched it anyway. She prefered the subtitled version. The English dub just wasn't as good as the original.

With the song blasting on repeat in her ears, the American rode on autopilot, knowing the route home by heart. Perhaps if the music wasn't so loud and maybe if she had been a little more aware of her surroundings, Y/n would have noticed the truck flying around the corner. It wasn't entirely her fault. There was a stop sign. Vehicles were supposed to slow down and stop when reaching that corner.

But then again, if she had seen it she could have squeezed her breaks. If the music wasn't so loud, she would have heard the horn blare. If she had been paying a bit more attention, she wouldn't be lying unconscious on the asphalt road. Maybe then she wouldn't have been left to die as the driver sped away from the hit and run scene. While the clouds continued to gather and the teenager lay in the growing pool of her own blood on the empty street, through the headphones that lay feet away from her body the show's theme song could still be clearly heard...

Y/n groaned as a splitting headache woke her. Sitting up, she rubbed her temples. Looking around tiredly, she sobered up rather quickly as she took in her surroundings. This was not her room. The walls had posters of Adrien Agreste, the walls and furniture were pink, there was a sewing machine and clothing designs strewn about the desk. This was Marinette's room! The American froze in disbelief. This, this wasn't real! It, it was just a show! Suddenly, a little red bug-like creature popped up in her face.

"Y/n!" it exclaimed happily, "You're up early! Normally you sleep in!" Surprised, she stared at the kwami, shock freezing her thoughts. Y/n glanced at the clock. It was six thirty, when she normally woke up... But Marinette always slept in...

"Tikki?" she asked hesitantly. The kwami looked at her in worry.

"Yes, Y/n? Is something wrong?" Shaking her head, the (h/c) stood up.

"Nothing. It's... I'm just tired." Tikki nodded in understanding as the teen got dressed. Once the kwami was safe in her, or rather Marinette's, purse, Y/n headed downstairs for breakfast. In the kitchen, Sabine was making breakfast. She turned and looked the girl in surprise.

"Y/n! You're up early this morning."

"Y-yeah. Um, a headache woke me up." Sabine frowned and went into what Y/n called 'Mom Mode'. After making her sit down, the chinese women gave her a cup of tea/coffee, sweetened to her tastes, two pills, and a pain du chocolat. Yn blinked in surprise as she sipped the drink. It was just how she liked it! Did Marinette like her drink this way too? "So, erm, where's Marinette?" Sabine looked at her oddly.

"Who's Marinette?" Realization hit her like a brick wall. Marinette didn't exist in this world, she did. She was Y/n Dupain-Cheng, which meant... she was Ladybug!

"U-um, no one! Guess I'm still pretty tired, getting my dream world mixed up with reality..." Sabine chuckled and patted her daughter's shoulder.

"Eat your breakfast, chéri. You'll feel better." It was true. After eating, her headache was gone and she was wide awake. After bidding goodbye to her... mother and father, Y/n headed out with her bag to meet up with Alya. The redhead was sitting on the bench they met up at on her phone, probably updating the Ladyblog.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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