Chapter 1

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          *Dani Pov*

          " I hate you so much!" I yelled laughing at my best friend, Dylan. He decided that it would be a good idea to bake cookies. We had just finished them, when he dumped flour on me. IT WOULD TAKE YEARS TO GET IT OUT! " You better run Dylan," I lowly said. He looked at me wide eyed and ran out of the kitchen. I grab 2 eggs and run after him. Dang, he is fast. I couldn't find him, so I started walking back to the kitchen.

            "BOO!" he screamed. I jumped back and dropped both eggs. I look at him with a deadly glare. He just continues to laugh, so I scoop up the eggs and jump on his back. I smashed them into his hair and he yelps. Suddenly, he slips on some of the cracked eggs and we fall back. He ended on top of me. We locked eyes and stared into each other. He started to lean in.

          "Dani! Are you home?" yells my dad from downstairs. Dylan quickly got off of me and helped me up. "Yes dad!" I yelled back. I look back at Dylan, " Maybe you should go home. I will see you tomorrow," I quietly said breaking the silence. He nods and walks downstairs. I hear him saying hi to my dad and then I hear his car starting. I look out the window and see him leaving.

          I hope this doesn't affect our friendship. I hear the beeper on the oven go off and run downstairs. My dad looks at me and looks back at the floor and counter. "You better clean this up before you go to bed!" he said unhappily. I mumbled an okay and got the cookies out.

 I finished cleaning and went to my room. I put my pajamas on and went to bed.

         I woke up to my alarm clock screaming at me. I pick it up and throw it across the room. It hits the wall and falls apart. I groan getting out of bed. I hear my dads car starting. Okay it looks like I am walking. I do my usual stuff and walk out the door.

 I probably get half way to school when I swear I see something weaving through the trees on the other side of the road. 

       I am pretty sure I am just imagining it, so I continue to walk. Then I hear a low growl. I decided that I need to be grown up about this and walk across the street to see what it is. When I reached the edge of the trees, it is dead silent. I walk in just a little bit and look around until I felt something hit my leg. I look down and see it is some kind of dart.

 I turn around to go back to the street, but I didn't see it. I became dizzy and started to fall back. Before I hit the ground strong muscular arms wrap around me. Just before it goes dark I realize what I have done. I had just walked into the forest that I was warned about and would never be coming back to my home. 

I just finished the first chapter and I am so happy!!!!!

I hope you guys like it! 



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